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004 ⎯⎯⎯ zombie movie.

"Why're you laughing this time?"

Aiden is grinning, "it's like we're in a zombie movie."

"And that's funny?" Tyler glares at him.


Tyler seems unnerved, "is he insane or something?"

I sit in between Ashlyn and Ben, sitting criss crossed so my leg isn't visible. It's been awhile since we locked ourselves in here and we've been sitting in silence until now.

"Hm?" Aiden perks up, "your arm is scratched up? I thought I got you out of the way in time?"

Ashlyn nods, "you did, I think this happened at the Sorrel Weed House."

"You mean you knew it was real and you didn't tell any of us?!" Tyler jumps up.

I look at Ashlyn. Why wouldn't she tell me?

"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think it was real. And right now isn't really a good time to be talking about it," she glares Tyler down, "we should be coming up with a plan or-"

"And why should we listen to anything you say? This is probably all your fault in the first place!"

He shouldn't have said that.

Ashlyn stands and I quickly do as well, watching cautiously as she marches over to Tyler. "Alright fine, I get where you're coming from, maybe I should have said something. And if blaming me helps you deal with the situation better, so be it."

"Hey what're you-"

She grabs his collar and I take a step forward, "Ash-"

"But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce. Playing the blame game and figuring out what's going on can come after we are safe enough to talk it out. The facts are that those creatures can kill us at any moment. Instead of arguing, our time is better spent coming up with a plan. So unless you are going to help me do that," she lets him go, "keep your trap shut and don't cause trouble."

Aiden whistles, "well that was unexpected."

"And you need to stop taking this so lightly!" Ashlyn snaps.

"Aye, aye!"

"We need weapons and materials, so search the room."

I press my lips together, dropping my hands to my sides. She's done it again. Ashlyn is always looking ahead, being proactive.

Sometimes I feel like she might leave me behind.

* * *

"Ah! Sorry-" I bite my lip.

Ben shakes his hand, shrugging off the fact I am squeezing the life out of his bicep. Though maybe he just doesn't feel it, I'm probably not that strong.

I look around the room, trying to distract myself from the pain as he cleans my wounds. Ashlyn and Aiden are sitting against the other wall, actually talking for once. The twins are unscrewing the legs from a chair and Logan is cleaning up glass that Aiden broke.

Tyler looks up at me and I wince as Ben continues treating my leg.

His face softens, "you good half pint?"

I laugh, "yeah I- ow!"

Ben gives me an apologetic look, putting down the cloth to demonstrate that he is all done. I smile at him, "thanks a lot, you're really good at this."

He cheeks tint pink and he smiles, nodding.

"How many of these do we have?"

I look up, Ashlyn no longer against the wall and now over by the twins, holding one of the chair legs they unscrewed.

"Eight, with the ones we're taking off now." Taylor says.

Ashlyn nods, "now that we have weapons we're in a better position to talk this out.

* * *

"So what's the plan then? Use your magic hearing to save the day?" Tyler asks, sarcastically.

"No," Ashlyn hesitates, "well yes but later. I think we should stay here for now so we can rest and prepare ourselves. Once we go outside there's no telling what we'll encounter. And let's not leave the living room, if something happens I don't want us to be split up."

"There isn't much we can do right now so in the meantime do mental exercises."

"Mental exercises?"

"Imagine yourself in a certain scenario to see how you would react. That's what you should be doing anytime you aren't asleep."

"Great plan," Tyler rolls his eyes, "daydream and sleep with monsters outside the door."

Ashlyn ignores him, "we'll take turns keeping look out, I'll go first."

* * *

I rub my eyes.

What happened?

"Blake! Do you-"

My eyes widen and I grab Ashlyn, "what happened?!"

"So it wasn't a dream!"

"Guys!" The door burst open, Taylor standing there.

A knot forms in my throat.


I throw off the blanket, running towards the door and into the bathroom. Ashlyn and Taylor seem confused at first but then suddenly seem to have caught whatever I have and quickly follow me.

I push my curls out of my face as I empty my stomach, my eyes watering.

"Taylor? Blake?" Cait stands at the door, rubbing her eyes, "are you guys all okay?"

"Ah found em!" I hear Aiden.

"What're you doing in here?! Get out!"

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?"


"Move! Taylor!" Tyler joins the mess.

I try and look up at them, both boys looking like they're going to be sick as well. I drop my head back to the toilet seat.

What is going on?

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