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003 ⎯⎯⎯ midnight.



"What happened today?"

I look up at the ceiling in the dark, my curls splayed across the pillow as I clutch the fabric of my oversized shirt.

Ashlyn is quiet for a moment before answering, "...I don't know. What do you think?"

I purse my lips, "I don't know. Maybe it was mass hysteria? Or maybe it really was a prank."

"Well," Ash rolls over, tapping my shoulder, "it doesn't have anything to do with us anymore so it's best to forget about it. Don't let it stress you out, k?"

I smile, "yeah okay."

* * *

At the sound of a thud my eyes shoot open to notice Ashlyn on the floor, the blanket gone with her. I scoot towards the edge of the bed, "Ash? Are you okay?"

She nods, "yeah I'm fine, just a nightmare."

I rub my eyes, noticing streaks of red going down her arm. "What happened to your arm?"

Just like that I snap awake, practically teleporting to the floor. "Let me get my first aid kit, okay? How did this happen?"

"Blake I'm fine, just let me get-" She picks up the cover, lifting it to-

My eyes go wide.

Beneath the cover is the black shadow from before, it's hand latched onto Ashlyn's ankle. Oh. My. God.

I scream.

Ashlyn quickly kicks it in the face, jumping to her feet and pulling me with her. I stand in front of her, my arms out as if I could actually protect her.

"I-Isn't that the thing from earlier?"

"Whatever it is, we need to leave before it gets up."

I don't move.


The thing lunges at us and I snap out of my daze, turning towards the door. It grabs my ankle, tripping me in the process.

I slam to the ground, my vision blurring as I hit my head.


"Gah! Ashlyn!"

She grabs a pillow, chucking it at the creature. It lets go for a split second and I scramble to my feet to make a break for the door with her, ignoring the stinging in my ankle.

"Ashlyn! Blake!" Taylor runs from her room, "what's going on? Cait isn't in our room!"

"She must've left when she heard the screaming, we've gotta get out of here!"

Our room door opens, the boys standing there.



"Oh so it was them, why are they running?"

"What's going on?" Tyler hugs his sister.

"Something's in the-"

I slowly turn, tears filling my eyes.

The creatures up again.

"Go- Go! Go! Go!"

I'm yanked into the hall, the door being slammed behind me. I look up to whoever is holding my hand.

It's Ben.

"W-What is that thing?" Logan trembles.

Aiden laughs, "according to Tyler that would be the prank from earlier."

"Wait! What if Cait's still in there?!"

"I don't think she's in there, she would have come out or at least yelled."

I look up at Ashlyn. How is she so calm? So level headed?

"Now that Ash mentions it," Aiden still has a grin on his face, "it's kinda weird that no one has come outside after all that screaming and banging."

The door shakes and Ben quickly jumps back in front of it.

"That could've been bad," Aiden laughs.

"Could've?!" Tyler yells, "stop taking this as a joke! It's been bad! The sky is red for crying out loud!"

I look out over the balcony, a tear escaping down my cheek. This doesn't make any sense. This has to be a nightmare.

But then... why can I feel pain?

"Well whining about it isn't gonna do anything!"

"And laughing about it is?!"

I stumble over to the railing, my stomach filling with dread. This can't be real. I have to be dreaming.

"G-Guys...look down."

They all join me at the railing, collective gasps echoing through the night sky.

"How far is your room?" Ashlyn asks Aiden.

"5 or 6 doors down?"

I look at my best friend. I can see the thoughts running through her head.

"Aiden, give me the string from your shorts, I have an idea." She begins untying her own shorts, "I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there."

Tyler scoffs, "two strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's going to keep it closed."

"Maybe not but it will stay closed long enough for me and Ben to make a run for it , you guys go!"

I shake my head, "Ash-"

"I said go!"

Tyler grits his teeth, "fine!"

He keeps hold of Taylor's hand and uses the other to grab mine, yanking us down the hall. Logan follows and it isn't long till we've made it into their room.

I feel like I can finally breathe.

I look down at my leg, blood running from my calf to my ankle in long claw marks. Thanks to the adrenaline I don't really feel it but-

"Woah, what's wrong with you?"

I stumble back into Tyler, the boy catching my shoulders with a frown on his face. "Hey what happened to your leg? Did that thing do that?"

I stand straight again, pressing a hand to my forehead, "yeah I'm fine- I just-"

"There they are!"

A moment later Ashlyn, Aiden, and Ben have joined us and the door is shut and locked. The creature doesn't give up though, clawing against it relentlessly.

Ashlyn stands up, "...We should put the couch against the door."

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