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Jake Replies "Hey what Happened!?" His Mom Replies "Milo got Shot! Oreo is Hiding under your Bed." Jake Replies "What the Hell?! Mom, Milo, Hide In the Basement! I'll take care of this." His Mom Replies "No! Come with us! you'll die!" Jake Replies "Mom. I promise. I'll Live." His Mom Replies "Be Safe Please!" Jake Replies "Don't you worry about me." The Mercenaries Get Inside and one of them yells "We're in! Find Them! Fuck them up!" The Lights Go out. "Bravo Six Going Dark!" The Mercenaries Split Up. Jake Leaps Out of the corner and Headshots 5 of them Mid Air. Jake Lands And Gets Up Quickly. Jake Hides. One of the Mercenaries Throws a Grenade to Make Sure that it's Clear. Jake Catches the Grenade from His Hiding spot then throws it back and shoots the Grenade Thrower at the Groin so he won't be able to react. The Grenade Explodes killing the Mercenaries. The Lights Go Back on. Jake Is walking to the Basement Door. A Mercenary Is about to Shoot him. Jake Shoots the Barrel Without Looking and Headshots the Mercenary quickly while walking. Jake Opens The Basement door. "Mom! Are you Okay!?" His Mom Replies "Jake!" Milo and His mom Hugs Him. Oreo Comes Out of Jake's Room. The Next Day. Jake Is on a Phone Call at School. "Denis! who the Hell are these People!? they attacked my house! my family!" Denis Replies "They are the Iron Paladdins. Highly Trained Mercenaries. they are the ones you stole the Jewel from." Jake Replies "Excuse me!? What the FUCK!?" Jake was Heard By the Entire Classroom. The Teacher Was Teaching and Heard Jake "And that is Hypotenuse Divided b-" Everyone looks at Jake. The Teacher Replies "Detention for 30 minutes Jake!" almost everyone laughs at Jake Except the music club. Jake walks out of the Classroom Embarrassed and Walks in the Hallway. "You got me in Detention Asshole!" Denis Replies "Dude! not my fault you're the one who cursed out loud dumbass!" Jake Replies in Gibberish "NGIYANGFUTERFU." Jake Sighs and Calms down. "I Also Made them stay at a Hotel, I'm alone in the house for now. How many months should they stay though?" Denis Replies "Let them stay until the Situation is Over. That's the end of it whether you like it or not Sterling." The Call Ends. Jake Sees the Detention Room and Walks In. Jake is the Only One who's inside the Detention room. Hailey Gets Inside too as Zoey Egged her on in Class. Jake can be seen Sitting Down looking at the floor. Hailey Sits Beside Jake. "Jake?.. is it True that You Never Meant those things about the club?.." Jake Remains Quiet As He Feels Depressed Just Seeing Hailey. Hailey Taps Jake's Shoulder. Jake Replies "No Hailey.. I Never Meant a Single thing. Look, It's Okay if I don't get back to the Club, I-I-I-.. I Lost My Friends too. And Yeah, Congratulations on winning the Competition though." Jake Sighs "And the Reason why I Said All that Crap behind your backs, Is They Egged Me On, They Said that Sean was Dating Daisy. I thought you guys were Using me." His Voice Breaks and Sighs "I'm Sorry For Everything Hailey." Hailey Replies "Jake.. Do you Really Think I'm Going to Leave you Like this?" Jake Looks at the floor. "I'm Sorry for not Listening to you that day." Jake Replies "What about Zander? Do you forgive me for Hurting Him?" Hailey "I know That You Didn't want to hurt him Jake." Jake Spaces Out. "Jake? Jake?" Jake Replies "Oh, Sorry." Hailey Replies "Jake, we Noticed that You have Illegal Items inside your bag, What Is this for?" Hailey Hands Over Jake's Grenade. Jake Panics and Stands up "HEY! WHAT THE HELL!?" Hailey Replies "Wait, This is A Real one?!" Jake Shushes Hailey and puts his Hand on her mouth "They will Hear us!" Hailey Replies "If this is a Real one.." She Touches The Pin. Jake Panics Even More "HAILEY PLEASE STOP!" Jake Hugs Hailey in Panic. Hailey Blushes and Smiles, The Teacher Guarding them opens His eyes. "Is there a problem Jake?" Jake Looks at Him and Lets go of Hailey. "Erm.. No! Not at all! Haha!.." As Jake Bags the Grenade. "How the hell did you get this Hailey?" Hailey Replies "Well, Milly took it." Hailey Chuckles as Jake Pouts, "But can i ask?" Jake replies "Yeah?" Hailey Replies "Why Do you have those stuff these days?" Jake Replies "well, It's Complicated- What the hell is that?" Jake points at nothing, Hailey Looks where Jake is Pointing, Jake Grabs Her chin to Point her face back to his. Hailey Blushes and Slaps Jake, Hailey yells out "DAMN YOU!" The Teacher Yells Back "THAT'S ANOTHER 5 MINUTES!" After Time passed, Jake and Hailey Goes back to the classroom, Jake has a Slap mark on his Cheek. Jake Tries to Talk but Hailey Stops him "Don't. Talk to me." Hailey Blushes. Jake Talks anyway "Well, See Ya Later Hai-ey! What are you doing!? I need to do something!" Hailey pulls Jake to the classroom By grabbing his Hand and Jacket, Jake Falls Over inside the classroom like an idiot, Hailey Looks at Jake "Come on Jake we Have Some Class to do. Whatever you're gonna do, do it later." Jake Stands up and goes to his seat. Hailey Sits Beside him this time. "Just Incase You're Gonna do something stupid." Jake Replies "Leave me alone Already!" Jake Pouts  And Hailey Laughs, The Music Club Notices that they are Strangley Closer. School is now Over. Jake Is Going Home and is on a call with Denis "Denis. huge problem. Hailey is Onto me!" Denis Replies "Well, We'll Try to send another Guy for the mission if you don't go in time-" Jake Replies "No No No! I want to Get it done myself!-" Denis Replies "Midnight alright? Goodbye!" Jake Replies "No no no no- Agh!" Jake Pouts again. Hailey Comes out of Nowhere. "Hi Jake!" Jake Screams And Loses Balance, Jake Trips on the stairs as Hailey Scared him. Hailey Catches Jake and Gets him back up. Jake Replies "Hey Hailey! Well, I'm kinda Busy These Days So, Why aren't You going to the music club?" Hailey Replies "Well, Milly and The Others Are Kinda busy, so, Why not hang out with you since you're alone?" Jake Replies "Well, I um- Sure why not? We'll get Some Pizza." Jake sighs. Jake and Hailey walks To Jake's House. Jake Realizes that he forgot the keys Inside. "Goddamnit!" He Picks the lock and opens the door Quickly. Jake and Hailey Walks in. "Wait for the Pizza To arrive though!" Hailey Replies "um Sure, I guess I'm gonna Wait In your room. Jake Panics as Hailey was about to open His Room's Door "No! I have some Terrible shit there!" Hailey Opens The door and Sees that Jake's Room Has a Huge stack of CDs. Hailey Gets in. "What are those?" Jake Replies "well, they are um.. Stuff! Um..- Music Stuff! So Yeah, I'm just gonna hide these." Jake Hides The CDs Somewhere. Hailey Replies "You have a Better Laptop than Sean's Though." Jake Replies "Believe me, i was gonna give that to him but you guys found His Laptop back at the mall." Jake Locks His Closet. "I'm gonna Go Outside Later Alright" Hailey Replies "For what? Does that Involve your Grenades?" Hailey Looks at Jake Suspiciously. Jake Replies "No! Totally not! I'm going Late Night shopping!"
Hailey Sighs And Replies "Alright. I'm Laying down your bed then!" Jake Replies "Hey. Are you Sure You're gonna Sleep Here?" Hailey Replies "Yeah, It's Friday Anyways. and Mom Allowed me to sleepover." Hailey Shows Her Phone's Screen. Jake Replies "Well, you better not touch my Things." Jake Walks Away In Disbelief "I really need to Lay off that Peach Juice, This is Totally a Dream." Hailey Thinks "God. He Does Think that no one will forgive him." Jake Watches TV in the Living room. Jake Hears a Knock in the door. Jake Stands Up and Opens It. "Oh! the Pizza Guy. How Much is it?" The Pizza Deliveryman Replies "£35.54" Jake Replies "aight." He Checks His Wallet and Pays the Pizza. The Pizza Deliveryman Gives him the Pizza and Leaves. Jake Calls Hailey "Hailey! the Pizza's Here!" Hailey goes Outside Jake's Room and Joins Jake in the Dining room. Jake Opens The Pizza But he gets a Phone Call. Jake sighs "Be Right Back!" Jake Leaves the Dining Table and answers the call "So what Is it again?" Denis Replies "So We Found a Clue. so it says here. 11.... 11... 2003..? Damn, That's All we Got. Apparently the Suspect With The Iron Paladdins Is Male. so that's another Clue to who called an assault on your House." The Call ends. Jake Is Shaking and Drops His Phone. Hailey Notices Him and Speaks as She Slurps Her Pizza Slice "Jake?" Jake Picks his phone up Quickly. Jake Replies Anxiously "Oh Nothing! It was a Death Threat from one of our classmates!" Jake Comes Back to the dining table. Hailey Looks at Him Suspiciously. "You Know, you're acting weird. what are you hiding?" Jake Replies "Nothing!.. Haha!" Hailey Replies "What's that on your other Hand?" Jake Replies "Oh, It's Just a Peach." Jake Gets Relieved and Thinks "Phew. Good Thing I'm not as Stupid as before." Hailey Replies "Well, Are you gonna Join me or not? I'll Eat all of this." Jake Sits down and Eats with Hailey. after 30 minutes, Hailey Goes to Sleep Beside Jake In His Bed. 12:05 AM Jake wakes up and Is about to Leave the bed But Hailey Springs Out Holding Jake Tightly. Jake Blushes and Thinks "For The Love of Luni! does She Sleep with a Body Pillow?! Well. I'm Stuck. I'll have to Wake Her Up." Jake Slips out of Her Hug and Quickly Replaces his position with Pillows. Jake's Thoughts Continue. "I guess that was Easy. God, Who the Hell Do I Even want? Daisy or Hailey? No! Now's not the time to think of that! Stupid Brain!" Jake Unlocks His Closet. And Gears Up. he Locks it Again. He goes Out Through the Window. 40 minutes Later. 1:30 AM Jake Is Spacing out On a Shadow Syndicate Stealth Chopper. Denis who was Piloting the Chopper Calls Jake "That's The IPRS, I can't get Any closer. you'll have to Glide your way there, otherwise the Powerful radar detects me. Break in. Find More Info about the Suspect. and There are two agents you should avoid at all costs. oh important note, the Janitor's Room has Very Low Security so you might wanna get inside through that." Jake Jumps off the Chopper and Deploys a Glider. He Sees a window to the Janitor's Room and Smashes Into it. Jake Rolls and Poses. He Stands Up and Turns Off the Metal Detectors. He gets outside the Janitor Room. Jake Dashes quickly, the Janitor looks where the blur went and gets Knocked out by a Karate Chop Straight to the Neck as Jake Drags Him Inside the Janitor's Room. Jake Disguises and Carries His Gear In a Duffel bag. Jake is in another Hairstyle. an Employee Screams and Faints Because of How Cute Jake is. Jake Thinks "What the hell!? I'm gonna get caught if this goes on!" Jake Quickly Goes to The Elevator to Go up The Research Facilities. Jake Follows a Blue Haired Girl To The Research Facilities as She works there. Jake Coughs and Thinks "I need to Finish this as quick as I can." The Blue Haired Girl asks Him "Have I seen You? I don't think you work here. My Name is Jane By the way." Jake Replies "O-Oh! I'm Someone New Here, I Just Applied a Day Ago though." Jane Replies "Well, Where is Marty? The Other Janitor, Did He Leave?" Jake Replies "Well, Yeah, He did, He had a Fever so.." Jane Replies "Well, Wanna go out Tonight? I Just Hope You're Not Like Michael." Jake Replies "Yeah sure. and What's His Full name?" Jane Replies "Michael Austin." Jake Is Shocked and Thinks. "THIS IS HAILEY'S BIOLOGICAL MOTHER?!" The Elevator Opens "Nice Knowing You uhh, Brad." Jane Leaves Jake Alone. Jake Thinks "Luckily the Fake Name tag Worked." Jake Walks around Finding a Search Data. Denis On the Radio tells Jake Important Info. "Jake, Jane Has the USB for the Info, it's on her Pocket." Jake Follows Jane And Calls Her "Hey Jane! Can you Return This To Marty?" He hands Over Marty's Military Necklace and Pickpockets Her USB. Jane Replies "Sure Brad!" He takes the Necklace from Jake's Hands and Walks Away. Jake Dashes Into The Corridor and Finds The Research Room. He opens a door to an access Point. and gets inside. Jake Hacks the Computer. Denis Calls Jake "Wifi got Shit, Find another Access Point." Jake Removes the USB And Finds another Access Point. Jake Finds another Access Point. He Gets The Info and Disables The Radars. "Alright Jake, Get out of there." Jake Goes outside and Sees Agent Grimlock. Jake talks to Denis "Denis! I can't Go there! that's Agent Grimlock!" Denis Replies "Go back to the Janitor Room. where you got in." Jake Goes On the other side of the Corridor and Discovers a Strange room. Jake Gets Inside. Jake Sees Genetically Modified Creatures. "Jake? What the hell are you doing!? This a Restricted Area!" Jake Replies "Hold on a Second. I'll get Something." Jake Steals a Vial of Different DNA. Jake Gets outside the room. He Goes back to the Elevator. "Come on! come on!" The Elevator Opens And he Gets Inside. the Elevator Closes. Jake hums Loved with Your Love as he goes down the elevator. The elevator Opens. Jake Gets Inside the Janitor room and Takes off His Disguise. "Boy I hate those Clothes." He Wears his Assassin Gear again. Denis Flies by the window. Jake leaps into the Heli and Successfully Exfiltrates. Denis Compliments Jake "Nice Work Sterling! Like a Real Ninja!" 2:05 AM Jake Returns Home in Casual Clothes. He opens The Door. He gets inside and places his Bag in the Living Room. Jake Opens The Door To his Room and Jumps in Shock "Oh! Hailey! What are you doing Being Awake this Late?" Hailey Replies "Where Did you go? I don't think that was Some Late Night Shopping." Jake Replies "No no! it was! Haha.." He shows Hailey a New PS4 Game. Hailey Reads the Title "Resident Evil 3.. by the way Jake. Do you have any Idea HOW LATE IT IS!?" Jake Gets Scared Of Hailey's Voice Raising, Jake Replies Anxiously "10 Pm?.. I Just Went Out To buy a Few Drinks and Games! I Promise!" Hailey Replies "If you're going Outside, do it tomorrow morning! It's 2:07 AM for the love of Luni!" Hailey Sits on Jake's Bed. Jake Sits Beside Her "Hey Princess.. I bought you something special too you know, a pink Kitty plush!" Hailey Takes it from Jake and Replies "Just Go to Sleep now.." Hailey Lays Down and Goes to Sleep. Jake Turns off the Lights And Locks the door to his room. Jake Takes off his Jacket and sleeps Beside Hailey. 2 days Later. Hailey Hums While Walking the Hallway. Jake Joins Hailey Humming, Hailey Hits a High Note, Jake Compliments him. "Hey! That's pretty good!" Hailey Blushes and Replies "Wha-! No one asked you!"

Jake Starts Singing, I've got myself just a little bit of love that I wanna spend on you

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