Break his heart

150 13 3

Zolan = Chan
Syrex = Seungmin
Seyvon = Minho
Ronan = Jisung

"Ah, you're back! How can I help you this-" Syrex's smug smile was whipped up by a punch.

Zolan grabbed him by the sweater and threw him into the wall under Agatha's shocked eyes.

"Cut the crap!"

"Look who finally learned big boys words." Syrex laughed before receiving another punch right in the nose. "God, I just stopped the bleeding! Fuck you!" he held his bloody nose in his hands. "

"Speak. What was all that about?"

Syrex sighed before sliding down the wall and going to the back to get a book that he placed on the counter. It was all, barely keeping its pages together, one minute away from disintegration.

"What's this?" Agatha asked.

"A book." He smiled proudly.

"Listen, I know I'm blind in one eye, but I'm not stupid." Zolan chimed in.

"Yes, that. Here! You would look like a pirate, but if pretty girl wears her blazer and a bra, no one would look at you." He added before giving Zolan a patch to hide his blind eye.

"Thanks." He mumbled with disgust.

"What's with the book?" Agatha leaned on the counter to take a better look.

"You tell me, doll. You wrote it." Syrex mimicked her.

"What?" she backed off confused.

"This is a spell book. I found the tea recipe here. You are its author."

Agatha's mouth opened in amazement. She reached for the book, but Rex shoved it behind him before she could lay a finger on it.

"You created these spells. I cannot show them to you. Because you must find them on your own. Like you did with the memory restoration one."
He nodded his head to point towards Zolan.

"Is that why you didn't tell me about it? To force me to figure it out?"

"I can't interfere with the timeline, can I? You've done it."

"I did..." a smile crept on her face.

"You've grown. You've trained, didn't you?"

"You have no idea." she felt her heart beating normally.

"What do we do now?" Zolan stepped next to her.

"Now... Now we find a way to get Ronan back. He leaves tomorrow. We have to be fast."

"We can. You just need to hit him and..." Zolan got excited, but Syrex's disapproval face cut off his wings. "What?"

"Are you stupid or just acting like that?"

"Do you want another punch?" he said offended.

"Zolan, do you remember how Ronan died?" Agatha placed her hand on his arm.

"Killed on the battlefield. Stabbed in the heart... Oh..." He remained blank, staring at the floor.

"Oh indeed. Attempt that and he'll die. We need to be careful here."

"What are you thinking of?" Agatha turned to the younger.

"If you can't attack from outside, you do it from inside. Which means..."

"A heartbreak." she finished his sentence. "We must break his heart."

"Bingo." The owner of the shop finger shot her.

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