The thief

178 17 1

Seyvon = Minho
Ronan = Jisung


Atorvenna, one year before Seyvon met Agatha

"Going to the other village so soon, father? You've just returned." Seyvon asked Otto who was in the threshold, counting his silvers for the road.

"Unfortunately. We need more wine."

"Already?" Seyvon frowned. It was the third week that happened. The wine was finished suspiciously fast and Otto was forced to go get more for the tavern. He was too tired and old to question it, but Seyvon was young and determined to find out what was the cause of it.

He waited until the moon was at its peak, right above him, he went to the cram and blew the candle off, emerging with the darkness. He held his breath and waited for any kind of sound to announce the presence of an intruder.

It didn't take long until a couple of steps wobbled on the cracking floor. Seyvon could have sworn he heard a slight curse under a hitched breath. The clacking of the bottles was the signal he needed to jump on top of the mysterious figure, fighting blindly with two strong hands that tried to push him aside. They had no intention to harm him, just to get him out of the way. Seyvon buckled his knees around the person's waist and pushed until they clicked to the floor, imprisoning the thief underneath his significantly bigger body.

He took a candle and lit it up, bringing it to his capture's face. The fire mirrored perfectly into those deep blue eyes as the pupils became nothing but two dark dots in an ocean. His dark hair was silky and dusty. His skin was darker, softer and easier to bruise as Seyvon pressed one thumb on the man's shoulder and watched the print fading annoyingly slow.

"Who are you?"

"No one that concerns you. Let me go!" he tried to yank himself before failing terribly and banging the back of his head on the sawmill floor.

Seyvon couldn't help but laugh.

"All those mercenaries that stop at my tavern day after day and I ended up with a unexperimented thief." he scoffed.

"I'm not a thief." the boy pouted annoyed.

"Then how would you call a man that takes something that does not belong to him?" Seyvon tilted his head mockingly.

"A survivor. Some of us are struggling to stay alive."

"I know. I do. Nevertheless... I work for my bread and wine. And so will you. You will pay me for every single bottle you took by working here."

"Don't I have a saying in this?" he got up dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to tell the royal guards about you?" Seyvon asked with a victorious smirk on his face.

The boy slept on the hard floor, curled into a ball with his knees pressing on his rip cage, hoping he would warm himself and fall asleep. He didn't. At the dawn, Seyvon kicked him slightly and gave him his first orders to clean the tavern in and out.

As diverse people, from high rank knights to poor merchants walked inside the roadhouse, the boy swept the cranky leaves put of their way. Exhaustion took over his soar muscles as he let his head lean on the stick of the broom made of branches and his eyes slowly closed for a second. It seemed like a second for him at least. For the rest of the world must have been more than a few minutes. Enough for Seyvon to receive complaints about his new 'slave' as they all called him.

The latter walked outside and shouted from the top of his lungs. The boy jumped out of his skin, startled to the core, and fell on the ground.

"Go to my room and rest." Was all that the tavern owner said to him.

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