Prince Seyvon

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Seyvon = Minho
Otto = his father

Atorvenna, 1230, a few months before the war started

"Another flourishing day, father. The amount of silvers we received will feed us for another winter." Seyvon cleaned the wooden tables.

"We shall never be satisfied, son. Have you seen the reaches in the palace?"

"How could I? I was born, raised and taught here."

"Right. Well, I had seen them. I yearn that I give you a life of a prince one day." Otto confessed.

"I do not wish to be a price, father. As long as I have bread on the table I am happy." Seyvon replied innocently.

Seyvon loved his simple life. He loved to work from dawn to dusk. Work was his only purpose.

He was aware of the rumors. People were eyeing him and whispering. He didn't need to get closer to know what were they talking about. He himself thought about his mother as nothing but a temporary weakness of his father. He had no desire in finding her. Otto avoided the subject and tried to protect his son. Therefore, they never spoke about her.

One day a woman made her way in his tavern. She walked slowly, affrighted of each pair of eyes following her as she sat down and covered her red curls with a green shawl.

It took less than five minutes for men to gather around her, taking in every breath she took and following every turn of her head.

Seyvon noticed the scene and stepped in, cleaning the way from all the prurient drunkards.

"Sometimes men have no limit. I apologize on their behalf. What can I get for you?" he bowed.

"Senctuary." She whispered.

Seyvon didn't understand that right there the woman was begging for help. Only when the royal guards barged into the alehouse he understood under his roof was a fugitive.

"Have you seen a witch around here?" a knight as tall as a mountain asked as his voice echoed through his great helm.

"No, I have not. I wish I could be of more help. After you succeed in your search, I can end your thirstiness with the sweetest wine your tongues will ever indulge in." Seyvon moved to the right to cover the woman completely.

After they departed, Seyvon turned around only to found the chair empty. He looked everywhere until he found her under a table, her knees pressed on her chest. Her olive-green gown flowed down as she stepped out to look the bartender in the eyes.

"Why did you lie to the royal guard? They told you I am a witch."

"Are you?" Seyvon tilted his head.

"Yes." She replied genuinely.

"That means more hands to work with. Gather the goblets and fill them with wine. I can find a gown for you to change in."

"No need." She snapped her fingers and changed into a ripped white-greyish dress with stains all over it.

"Perfect." He smiled and pushed her forward to help him make as much money as they could.

At the end of the day, when the wives claimed their drunk husbands and the lonely jumped on their beds, Seyvon remained behind to count the coins and watch the woman clean the floor.

"What's your name?"

She stopped rubbing the floor with a wet piece of material and got up from her knees.

"If I tell you, you'll finish the floor." She dropped the cloth on the counter, next to the sack of silvers.

"I'm Seyvon." The boy said unbothered.

"Agatha." She bowed. "You did not answer my question." She added, raising her gaze. "Why didn't you hand me to them?"

"My father is in another village to buy grapes. I needed another pair of hands to help me." He averted her insistent eyes.

"You're lying. I can sense it."

"Is that a witch's power?"

"No. It's my inner voice telling me that you are dishonest. I must know. You are the first to show me mercy. I must know why." She beseeched.

"You have not given me a reason to hate you still. You are as innocent as a woman can be. Why should I have my hands painted in your blood?"

He tried to satisfy her with that explanation, but she didn't withdraw. She followed him in every corner of the tavern as she saw him as her savior. She demanded an answer and she was determined to get one.

He saw her wobbly steps following his own and chuckled as he grabbed her hand and spined her one and two and three times.

He moved to the left and taught her to follow his lead. And he sang a festival song he heard from the soldiers passing by at his humble tavern.

His smile became brighter until his cheeks hurt. But it was worth it. Agatha cracked a smile and tightened her grip on his shoulder.

"My father wants me to live like a prince. Tonight, you and I can have that life." He drew her body closer, placed his palm on her back and started waltzing clumsily.

"A prince wouldn't have dust and dirt in his hair." She joked.

"He would if he worked to help his people. If I were there on the throne, I wouldn't take a bite before making sure everyone has bread on the table." He proclaimed.

"How noble of you, prince Seyvon."

"Welll, thank you, princess Agatha." He played along.

"I know the answer now." She stated as her feet stopped.

"You do?" he asked intrigued.

"You're in love. Your heart yearns for another."

"My only love is hard work."

"What is keeping you apart? The ranks? Or perhaps the age? The gender!" she gasped. "It's a man you love."

"He's an Anathemian man." Seyvon pitied himself with a sorrowful smile.

Agatha's mouth opened agape. Not in her darkest dreams had she imaged such answer.

"I may not be the brightest mind alive. I never understood why is our kingdom against Anathema. He's an immigrant, hiding just like you behind the mask of a poor boy. My heart belongs to him entirely. That is the reason why I didn't tell the knights about you. The hate against witches is nothing more than an absurdity for me. They shouldn't judge all of you by the actions of one witch and they shouldn't judge all Anathemians by the acts of their fallen disgraceful king."

"I am half Anathemian by my mother's ascendents. My father was Atorvennian. If they made it, I have faith you two can thrive as well." She poisoned Seyvon's heart with such sweet dreamy words.

The next morning, Agatha woke up as a result of Seyvon's desperate attempts to get her attention by shaking her shoulder.

"You have to run!"

"What?" she left her body get up, supported by Seyvon's hands and followed him to his room where he tossed away the rug and revealed a secret door.

"They are here. The royal guards. You have to go and save yourself. This passage will lead you to the church. Avoid the priest and find the woman named Dama. She will help you. Do not speak to anyone else."

"Sending a witch to the church is a death sentence." She backed off hesitantly.

"It's either them or the royal guards. I doubt the king's benevolence towards you."

Agatha nodded and got down the stairs, stopping middle-road.

"How can I thank you for what you've done for me?"

"Return one day for a drink."

"I will." She flashed a smile at him before her shadow meddled with the darkness of the cave.

Now we understand what Agatha knows about Seyvon.

Also an Anathemian man??? I wonder who is he :))

Thank you for reading!

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