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Ronan = Jisung
Seyvon = Minho
Syrex = Seungmin
Zolan = Chan

Keep in mind Chan is still using his Medieval name since he wasn't reborn like the others. The rest of them DO NOT REMEMBER their past lives and therefore they don't remember their original names.

"Minho? Yes, I know him. Briefly." the navy soldier answered as he prepared the ship to debark.

His curly hair was of an ashy grey while his roots stuck to its natural black colour. His eyes were blue as the dark sea and his muscles were pushing through the white tight uniform. His nose was concave and his eyes big and round. His cheeks were chubby, but the rest of his body was thin and strong. He had the habit of licking his small lips, just to feel the salt in the air.

"Briefly enough to sleep with him and move in together?" Agatha tilted her head.

"You came to get an answer you already know. Yes, we'd been together. Also, can you tell your friend to stop staring at me? It's weird."

He referred to Zolan who was still unable to comprehend how the silent coward named Ronan was standing in front of him, exhibiting his navy uniform to the left and right.

Agatha nudged him with her elbow, making him squirm in pain. Then she bent her head beckoning to the navy soldier to continue his story.

"We met at the bar he works in a few years ago. I was in my last year of academy. My roomates wanted to pull a prank on me and paid Simon to dance for me. He ended up taking me home. We fooled around behind closed doors and shut curtains. We started being serios and moved in together." He explained, sitting on a wooden box. He was tired. Too exhausted to kick those two strangers off the boat.

"What happened?" the woman got emerged into the story while Zolan looked around, admiring every unknown object like a toddler.

"We grew tired of each other, I guess." He smiled weakly.

"You're lying. If it was the case, you wouldn't be wearing that bracelet. I'm guessing you're not allowed to. That's why you're hiding it under the uniform. Neither of you let go of it. I saw it in his eyes. I see it in yours too. You broke his heart. Why?"

"What? Are you some sort of detective?" Jisung scoffed anxiously.

"I'm just really observant."

"I dumped him because I got called in a mission. A mission that I didn't know when or IF I were to return."

"Couldn't you refuse the mission?"

"That's not how it works. I made a deal with our captain. I take every single mission. No break, no holiday, no personal life. If he forgets that my parents had lived here without a visa. He took them back to Brazil. I am to follow them soon." He confessed.

"You're leaving?" Agatha asked worried.

"Tomorrow. My visa expires and I have nothing left here."

"Brazil? Where is that? Another kingdom?" Zolan chimed in.

"Close enough. Another country." Agatha explained.

"But you can't go! I had no idea you and Seyvon were in love up until now, I admit. I was his closest and most trustful comrade and I had no idea, to my shame. However, knowing you were the reason of his happiness even in his darkest moments...knowing you are the one he entrusted his heart to... makes me incredibly grateful. You can't leave him!"

Agatha could see the fire burning with passion in Zolan's eyes. He cared deeply for his friends and it showed. He cherished love above everything else. Above race, war, religion. Even if he learnt about Ronan and Seyvon a few minutes beforehand, he accepted them and chose to fight for their happiness. Zolan was an admirable man. Worthy of his position as the leader.

"Seyvon? Is that another stripper name he got?" Jisung furrowed.

"What's a stripper?" Zolan froze in his place with his big innocent eyes.

"I'll tell you later." Agatha caressed his arm. "You have to at least say goodbye to him. Please!" she begged the soldier.

"Why do two strangers care so much about my failed relationship?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Because Sey- Minho once saved my life. He made me see the light when I was blindfolded by the evil surrounding me. I want to do the same for him now. He's my savior. It's the least I can do." Agatha revealed as Zolan caught a glimpse of weakness in her cracked voice.

She had a heart as well. She just kept everything to herself in order to avoid getting hurt.

Two hours later, at the bar

"Minho, you have another customer!" his boss yelled.

The boy braced himself to face that crazy lady again and sighed while his hands dragged the curtains away.

On the couch, fidgeting uncomfortable under the faded neon lamp that made his dark skin glimmer in sweat, Jisung was gathering his courage to look up at the familiar face. Minho blinked repeatedly in disbelief and kneeled to watch every feature he knew back between his palms.

"She called you. That maniac lady!" he got up before Jisung caught his wrist.

"I came to say goodbye."


"I'm returning to Brazil tomorrow. I wanted to talk to you one last time before-"

"Before you run away like a coward again?" the older cut him off. "Spare me from the corny discourse and find your way to the exit!" he spat back even angrier.

Jisung was at a loss of words. He nodded and walked past him with a heavy heart.

He suddenly stopped in the threshold and reconsidered everything before turning on his heels and grabbing his former lover by the collar. Their lips connected in a sweet but short kiss. Jisung had his eyes squinted shut, afraid to look at Minho's surprised grimace.

When they parted, he leaned over to whisper in his ear a silent 'goodbye' that made the older's breath hitch.

He walked away, leaving the other dumbfounded as he started realizing that was the last time he would see the love of his life.

Agatha and Zolan watched the navy soldier run to his car in tears. They both sighed in defeat and looked at each other, hoping one of them had a plan B.

With the corner of his eye, Zolan spotted a familiar face. It took him three seconds to recognize the profile, the crooked mouth, the soft puppy eyes hidden behind some basic round glasses and the raised noses.

He turned Agatha around with all his strength and made her look in the same direction.

"Is that..."

"Syrex!" Zolan waved as the man looked around confused and rushed inside an antiquity shop.

The duo looked at each other before rushing to the building.

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