A possibility...

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Author's note:

I didn't originally want to write more, but some have been asking and putting the idea in my head. And I have started to see a possibility for an extended bit or maybe book 2. Not guarantees anytime soon if it happens, but if there were more to come, I imagine it would kind of go like this...


Oh fuck.


I didn't think this was actually legit. That people actually lived in ridiculous house like this...unless they were like Justin Bieber or something? Houses with doors so large and proportionally so far of a real persons size its just showing off how much money you have now. Or gardens to actually have not a leaf out of order, contain nature to not look so naturey.

I haven't even knocked yet, just stood their outside the door gawking at the place. Who knows how long I've been there. I'm probably late now, and I was 10 minutes early.

The door opens, a sandy blonde head peaks around, Oliver. He grins and I momentarily forget about the big scary house, reflectively smiling back. What can I say, he brings out the smile in me.

He looks good, tan skin glowing, hair as nice ever, and eyes alight.
He looks happy.

But then he opens the door further and cocks his head to the side. "Well, what you waiting for? Come in."

Oh, thats right—i'm supposes to go in this big fancy expensive house. Step on that pristine marble floor in my, not dirty but not clean, shoes.

His parents house.

Thats right, i'm meeting Olivers parents. More than meeting them actually, spending an entire two week here over the break before college starts back up again.

I never met anybodies parents like this before, as someones boyfriend. I eye the bush to the side, would anybody notice if I puked in it? Even just a little? I couldn't even kick it over with dirt or anything because it's so flawless that it would defiantly not be notices. I'm pretty sure I have an empty paper bag in my car.

I'm still rooted at the bottom of the stairs to the doorway and Oliver sighs, walking down to grab my hand and pull me up. "Come on babe, dinners ready. Let's eat and then I can show you around." He glances back, our fingers still intertwined, eyes a little lidded, "show you my bedroom."

And then he winks.

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