Chapter 9

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Days Later

Taraji layed in fantasias bed scrolling on her phone when Fantasia came out of the bathroom, causing her to look up.

" .. What the fuck" Fantasia looked at herself in the mirror as she struggled to get comfortable in the tight black dress Carrie had picked out for her for their date.

That's the thing. Fantasia barrio didn't wear fucking dresses!. Carrie was out of her mind.

" You look hot" Taraji teased from the bed. " Shut your ass up" Fantasia replied turning around. " Don't get mad at me cause your little white no ass girlfriend is forcing you to wear a dress and you don't like it".

" First of all she's not my girlfriend, and second nobody forces Fantasia to wear a damn thing .. I just tried to be nice. But hell to the no come unzip this thing for me Doll".

Taraji laughed and crawled to the edge of the bed and sat up on her knees. She unzipped the dress on fantasias body before helping her step out of it.

" I thought you looked good" Taraji stated. " Of course you think that" Fantasia went to her closet and brought out an all black outfit in which she wasted no time getting into.

" What are you staring at?" Tasia asked as she kept meeting eyes in the mirror.

" If Carrie makes you so unhappy why are you still putting up with her?" Taraji asked. And that was very valid question. It even took Fantasia sometime to find the right answer.

" I didn't say she makes me unhappy. I am happy when I'm with her. So she's a spoiled brat. You are too. I have known Carrie for months. Trust me if she didn't make me happy she would be somewhere pushing up daises" Fantasia said as she grabbed her red bottoms from the closet and slipped them on.

" Do you love her?".

" Did you take on some detective duty I don't know about?"

" No Tasia.. but I just want to know". " Okay. I owe you that answer. I don't believe in love anymore . I gave my heart to a guy a few years ago. He told me he loved me, I told him I loved him. Then I caught him sleeping with a good friend of mine. I shot both of them. Went to jail for a year. Thats when I stopped believing in love".

Hearing that story created a pool between Tarajis legs for some reason. Why? Hell, who knows!?

" Well.. You play hard but I know in the inside your soft" Taraji said laying back on the bed and wrapped her arms over the side. " You don't know anything but how to run your mouth. Which I wish you would stop".

" Fine then".

" I have to go. You don't have to go home if you don't want too. But if u choose too there's a key under the first white glass in the cabinet to the left of the stove. Lock up on your way out." She walked over to the side of the bed.

" Mhm.." Taraji tugged at her pants. " Thats for Carrie" Fantasia smirked. " You son of"-"language ..amor" Tasia leaned down and kissed taraji deeply and bit her lip before pulling away.

" Later!". " Mhm! I hope my apartment is still standing when I get back!" Taraji heard Tasia shout before hearing the front door close after.

Taraji turned on the tv

Later that night at dinner

In DenialTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang