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"Hmm?" He hummed in response as he looked above his reading glasses at me.

I walked in the living room where he was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. His salt and pepper curls made him look a little older than he was, and his mellow manner always made him seem a bit tired. The TV was set to the news and was playing in the background. I sat in the chair next to the couch and watched as he set his magazine down on his lap, ready to give me his full attention.

"What do you think I should do about Quinn?" I asked. She had been on my mind lately. I was mad at her for the way she was reacting to everything going down between Hunter and I, but my life would be so much easier if I could just mend whatever the issue was.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Why do you think she is so mad about Hunter and I? I've run through all the reasons in my head, but everything I've come up with seems like stuff she should just get over."

My dad sighed in thought. My dad had always been the person I went to for advice. He was level-headed, smart, and most importantly, he was kind. I always knew that my dad's way of handling conflict was likely the best way, so I valued his words a lot.

"I don't really know what happened between the two of them. I feel like if it was something drastic, your mother would have filled me in on it, but my guess is Quinn is feeling a little betrayed," My dad hummed as he looked at me thoughtfully.

"Betrayed?!" I asked and nearly scoffed. Betrayed by me? I thought that was a bit ridiculous. I didn't think I would have to be 'loyal' to my sister by hating someone who was a good person. The only person who was kind to me in the entire school.

"Well, I am not saying her reasons for being mad are justified, but you know how she is. She wants everyone to be on her side, so the fact that you are the only person who is going against her on this, in addition to the fact that you're her sister, I imagine she feels a little betrayed."

His words danced around my head as I tried to process them. I understood what he was saying, and I was sure he was right, but it didn't make me feel bad in any way. I was confident that the decisions I was making weren't bad. However, despite how difficult my sister was, I still did care about her and had the urge to make things right.

"Dad, he really is such a sweet person. He's the same Hunter that we grew up with," I explained desperately.

"I believe you, I do. Your mom and I recognize that this is the first time you are making a decision that's completely your own, and we are proud that you are confident in doing that. I think your sister is still a bit too immature to realize that. She'll come around though, and if she doesn't... well you only have this year to deal with her and then she's off to college," He chuckled a bit at the end of his sentence.

My dad had a good point, but I didn't want to just ignore the problem, I wanted to fix it. Plus, I doubted Quinn would go far. Most cheerleaders at our school ended up at a local community college so that they could keep cheering together. So I assumed that's what Quinn would do and if I assumed correctly, she would still be around. It just made me want to leave this place after graduation even more to get away from all of the drama.

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