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Going home that evening was a nightmare

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Going home that evening was a nightmare. Quinn dragged me into my room and interrogated me about what we were doing, what I was thinking getting in the car with a criminal, and why I was so stupid. I argued back and it practically turned into a screaming match between the two of us. We went at it for almost an hour before our mom came in and tried to break it up.

"What is going on with you two?!"

That just started another frenzy of yelling from the both of us causing our dad to walk in as well.

"Why don't we go talk in the living room and we can get this sorted out," He suggested calmly.

Quinn and I stormed into the living room and sat on opposite ends of the couch, giving each other dirty looks.

"Drew has been sneaking around with Hunter, a criminal!" Quinn yelled out as soon as our parents sat down in front of us. Both of them were looking at the two of us with shock covering their faces. We didn't get along very well, but it had been a long time since we had gotten into a fight as big as this.

"Oh my god, he's not a criminal. Stop saying that!" I complained. I was furious, I just wanted Quinn to stay out of my business. She had her own life, why couldn't I have mine? Why did she care so much?

"What do you mean, sneaking around?" My mom turned to Quinn. I threw my hands up in the air in frustration because my mom was just like Quinn, always feeding into the drama. I had hung out with him once outside of school and suddenly I was 'sneaking around'.

"Well she hangs out with him 24/7 at school and then today she just gets in his car and leaves with him! She wouldn't even answer my calls. I don't like it, he's not a good influence on her."

"Quinn, he was your best friend for years," My dad pointed out to her.

"Was! I stopped being friends with him because I knew he was bad and I ended up being right as always," Quinn exclaimed.

"Oh will you shut up?" I looked at her in disgust.

"Drew Elizabeth! Don't say that to your sister. She is just trying to look out for you," Mom scolded me. I wanted to laugh so badly. Quinn never looked out for anyone but herself. Whatever reasoning she had for not wanting me to hang out with Hunter was selfish and there was no doubt about it in my mind. I just needed to figure out what she was hiding.

"I don't love Jack and no one has any problem with Quinn being around him constantly. I told dad I was going out with a friend, I am not sneaking around!" I defended myself.

"Yeah but Hunter isn't just a friend is he, Drew?"

If I wasn't going to suffer additional consequences from my parents, I probably would have hit Quinn right then and there. I had always been a good kid, I had always followed the rules, and rarely ever did I 'live my life' as Quinn always liked to say. Now, I was hanging out with someone I really liked, someone who Quinn and I knew all of growing up, but Quinn couldn't help herself. She had to try to ruin it for me.

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