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Amina's POV🩶

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Amina's POV🩶

I must say, Abbah is truly one of the sweetest guys on earth. Our trip to Abuja was filled with laughter and friendly exchanges as we shared jokes and learned more about each other. I've always thought Army officers were rigid, but he changed my narrative. He definitely stands out from the crowd, and when I told him after he asked about my academics and having to repeat the second level, he generously offered to visit me in Kaduna to help prevent it from happening, despite him working in Jigawa. He's ready to travel all the way to Kaduna for me, and I really hope he can manage to turn things around and get me to the next level. If he does, I'm willing to give him anything he wants in return. He's actually going to Abuja for a meeting with the president! Can you believe it? That's how important he is to his rank!

Basma transferred the money he gave her to me, despite my insistence that she keep it all. I wasn't sure what I would say to my family about such a large sum. Despite my reluctance, she eventually persuaded me to take it. After we arrived in the hall of the party, she disappeared into the hotel with her boyfriend, leaving me stranded in a sea of unfamiliar faces to socialise with. As a naturally reserved person, I don't usually engage in conversations first.

Feeling parched and tired from the long journey, I headed to the bar in search of water. However, I was disappointed to find that they only served wine. While there, I encountered the man who had bumped into me at the train station days ago. He bought me a bottle of water and asked me to join him in conversation.

"Sure," I responded, seeing nothing wrong with it, but still, I felt a tinge of hesitation nonetheless.

His smile widened as he inquired, "May I know your name, my lady?"

I returned his smile with dignified grace. "Amina. And yours?"

His eyes sparkled with intrigue, and he chuckled softly. "Queen Amina of Zazzua," he replied. "I am Ibrahim."

Moments of silence elapsed between us, punctuated by an awkward stillness. I lowered my gaze, but despite it, I couldn't help but feel intimidated by his unwavering gaze fixed on my face.

"The noise here makes it difficult to talk," he explained with a warm smile. "Perhaps we could step outside and chat somewhere quieter?" Before I could respond with "I'm good here," he held my hand and led me away from the hotel and towards the swimming area.

My heart pounded with fear as I realised we were alone there, far from the safety of the hotel. I was unsettled and uncomfortable, so I abruptly distanced myself from him.

He chuckled softly, his deep voice creating a flutter inside my stomach. "Please don't be nervous," he whispered. "I am very respect...." He leaned in, but before he could complete his sentence, I stepped back again.

"I want to clarify," I began, noticing the intense desire in his eyes, which was making me increasingly uncomfortable. My heart raced with fear because my parents were unaware of my visit to Abuja.
"I don't engage in such behaviour," I asserted, my voice firm and clear, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

He smirked, leaning in closer, and his sultry whisper only fueled my anxiety.
"I know, money first. What can your price possibly be?" he persisted, his voice dripping with self-assuredness, as if he believed nothing was beyond his reach. "A blank cheque for your beauty; believe me, you deserve no less." As he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my waist, my eyes widened in shock, the pounding of my heart echoing in my ears. His unexpected gesture heightened my fear, and the terror raced through my veins. Overcome by panic and disgust, I firmly pushed him back, tears streaming down my cheeks as he lost his balance and splashed into the pool.

I wiped the beads of sweat off my forehead and firmly proclaimed, "I've made it clear; I'm not that kind of woman." My voice quivered with a mix of indignation and exasperation, standing my ground against his desires. He emerged from the water, shaking the droplets off his hair, his eyes fixated on mine with a dangerous gleam. He walked towards me.

When he continued his relentless approach, the water from his body glistening under the pale light of the moon, my heart raced furiously under the intensity of his stare, my steps moving backwards reflexively until my back hit the cold, unforgiving wall behind me, and the weight of his presence bore down upon me. My breath hitched as his thunderous roar echoed in my ears, sending a shiver down my spine. "Who do you think you are to deny me?"

With my back pressed against the wall and his imposing presence looming before me, my chest rose and fell rapidly. My body trembled, but I steeled myself for what seemed like a life-or-death situation. I couldn't falter now, for it was my family's honour and reputation that I needed to protect. "Get out of my way," I managed to whisper, my voice quivering while tears continued to stream down my cheeks.

He chuckled darkly, his hoarse laugh adding to my fear and vulnerability. "Do you know who I am?" he asked, his voice laced with menace.

"Do you think I care about who you are?"

"I love bold women, but you're far too courageous for my liking. I said I would give you a blank cheque. I've never given that to anyone, but still, I'm appreciating your beauty and willing to"

"Do you think your wealth can compensate for the loss of my honour and dignity?" I retorted, my voice shaky but resolute.

He smirked, his gaze growing more intense and determined. "Do you understand how many women would willingly place themselves in your position? Your beauty is enchanting. Let it be appreciated."

Tears streaked down my cheeks and I muttered, again, "I'm not like other women."

He let out a chilling chuckle, leering, "You can leave today, but I will not rest until I have you," he whispered, his words sending a shiver down my spine. "And if you don't comply, I'll do it with your sister. But I'm sure you wouldn't want that, especially since she's a minor."

After he left, his final words cut right through me, and I was left grappling with the gravity of his promise.

"How did I end up in such a situation? Who is he? How does he know about my sister? How does he know me?" While tears streamed down my cheeks, I struggled to comprehend how I found myself in such a dangerous situation.

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