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Ibrahim's POV🖤

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Ibrahim's POV🖤

I don't usually drink in the morning, but today the reason is different. Amina, that woman, has forced me to start drinking early.

The man I sent to bring her returned, his head bowed in defeat and his eyes filled with sorrow after he entered the hotel room. He lowered his head in shame, unable to meet my gaze. He trembled slightly, his voice low and recoiling with nervousness.

I looked at him angrily, and without sympathy, baring my teeth in a snarl, I barked, "The only thing that can spare you from my fury today is if you tell me who that man with her was. Who was he?" My voice grew louder, fueled by mounting anger.

"I cannot give you the answer you seek, sir," he muttered, his voice barely audible.

But my anger flared, hot and fierce, and I demanded, "Who was he? Speak!" My words rang out through the room, echoing with a ferocity that left no space for argument.

"The Major General whom you got transferred to Jigawa."

My confusion deepened into a frown while I absorbed the information he had just shared. I took another sip of my wine, allowing his words to sink in, before responding with growing anger.

"The fifty-year-old man? How is he connected to her?" I demanded, my voice rising with irritation.

His lack of response only nurtured my anger further, and I snapped, "Tell me how they're related, or your position will be terminated instantly. You have five seconds to answer."

"Give me ten minutes, sir," he pleaded quickly and left.

I took another sip of my wine, my gaze fixed on the ticking clock. Eight minutes passed, every second feeling like an hour, until he finally returned.

"No one knows how they're related," he explained, sweat beading on his forehead. "I suppose they met on the train yesterday."

I glared at him with fury and then hurled the wine glass at his face, shattering it and causing a deep cut on his forehead that began to bleed. However, I showed no concern for his injury.

"You know I hate assumptions," I snapped, my voice fierce. "One day. I am giving you one day to gather accurate information on who that man is to her. Now leave my presence."

"Of course, sir!" he responded hastily, quickly exiting the room as instructed.


I stumbled drunkenly as I moved, the effects of the wine making my steps lopsided. My bodyguards encircled me protectively while I made my way towards my car. After getting in, I commanded the driver.

"Take me to the office!"

"Sir, you're inebriated. Shouldn't we take you home instead? Moreover, you don't work on Sundays." he said.

"NO! Take me to the office!" I snarled, my teeth clenched in frustration. "Today, I have to make millions. I can't believe an ordinary girl has rejected me."

As the car sped towards the company, my anger clouded my mind about achieving great success in business today. Despite my drunken state, I was determined to prove my worth and make millions. Even though I still can't understand why a middle-class girl like her, whose family has no record in the country, rejected me.

After I stormed into the five-story company, my assistant quickly rushed to me and started briefing me, but I didn't pay attention while I was walking towards my office. When I spotted a pair of crocs on one of my employees, I shouted, "You're fired!" and my stern voice echoed throughout the room.

As I continued my brisk walk, my gaze inadvertently landed on another female employee with a hairstyle that reminded me of Amina's. My irritation mounted, and I snapped, "You're also fired."

I pointed at several other employees who caught my eye, their features falling short of my expectations compared to how beautiful Amina is. With a firm voice, I proclaimed, "You, you, you—you are all fired. You're banned from coming anywhere near this company."

As they attempted to plead for their jobs, my bodyguards stepped in, preventing them from speaking further. Ignoring them all with their pleas, I stepped into the elevator, joined by some of my men.


I entered my office and took a seat in the executive chair, my confidence soaring. The large space was a true reflection of my wealth and status. With a firm directive, I instructed, "Fire Mr. Ahmed Aliyu from the Kano branch. Then find Amina's number and inform her that her actions have resulted in her father's dismissal. To reverse this, she must meet me in my flat in Kaduna, apologize, beg for my forgiveness, and request that I touch her. Otherwise, her father will struggle to find employment anywhere in the country."

After I stated my terms, I leaned back in my chair, a sense of smug satisfaction washing over me. My influence and power will force her to comply with my demands. After all, she can't afford to lose everything over her stupid pride.

My gaze became fixed on the large windows that afforded a view of the city below. I drummed my fingers on the polished desk, deep in thought. Then, with a smirk, I added, "Also, when apologising, let her make sure she's on her knees, kissing my feet, and folding her hands in desperation. And most importantly, she better be crying. If those conditions aren't met, I will not be melted."

I envisioned her prostrating on the ground, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded for my forgiveness, and it sent a thrill of extreme delight and satisfaction in me.


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