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He keeps his hand on my thigh as he drives like he's appraising his trophy. I'm still reeling from my orgasm, too disoriented. He's taking us back to his home. To his cave, where I'll be trapped in his clutches. Not that I mind. If his claws can finger so well, he can keep me forever– that is, as long as he doesn't violate my trust again.

He can only betray me so many times. I won't let him make this a habit. If he lies to me again, I will walk away.

The drive is short, and he seems eager to park and get us inside. He carries all of our bags, refusing two trips.

I wait for him to open the door, turning to face him when he stands idly behind me. He snaps out of his trance, chuckling. "Sorry. I forget you don't have your own key yet."


Things are moving fast. Hector got one taste of pussy and lost his restraint. He would give up his fortune after a blow job.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks, setting our bags beside the couch.

"I'm thinking about how easily Grace could have trapped you. You're so horny you would have married her."

He frowns, displeased by this. "I'm attracted to more than sex. That's why I was unsettled that

she seemed nothing like the girl I met online. I was in love with Laura, not Grace. And sex wasn't going to change that."

My heart jolts, and the air thickens. I can't hold his intense gaze. I deserve this for opening my big mouth.

He loves me.

When did that happen? When did I lose my heart, too? The past few months have blown past us.

"Let me set these bags in my room."

He picks up everything, including my things.

"You can leave mine behind."

He crooks his head. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I can take them to my room."

"But I thought that since you're staying..." his shoulders slump, and he looks at the ground. He goes from being an intimidating giant to a battered boy.

I sigh. "Alright, fine. We can share a room."

He smiles and rushes into his bedroom with all our bags, his footsteps so heavy and eager I'm afraid he'll put a hole in the floor. I chuckle and shake my head, following him inside.

There's a full bookstand. The books are bulky as bookmarks stick out. His bed is tall, and the sheets a dark grey. His curtains are drawn. I don't see any technology–no television, tablets, or computers. This seems to be his only escape.

I sit at the edge of his bed, examining the extensive, pristine room.

"There isn't enough space in the closet," he says, opening the double doors to reveal a closet full of his clothes. "When I got this place, I never imagined sharing it with anyone."

He looks around, his mind working overtime and calculating, planning. He so quickly enters his business mode. I love that.

"It's not a problem. I'll have them blow a hole to expand it. I'll also adjust the lighting; you'll probably want a larger mirror. Yes. Then the shelves–"

"Come here," I interject, extending my hand.

He approaches me, touching my hand with his fingers that are still coated in my essence. He sits beside me, and we both lean back onto the bed.

I exhale, studying the angular shadows on the ceiling. "What now?" I ask. "So far, I've survived all the heart attacks you gave me."

He chuckles. "Now we will start a new company. I miss being in the office."

"Miss walking around, draining the life of the hallways as you terrify employees with your mean mug?"

"Exactly!" he says. "I miss seeing you in your plain office clothes. I always thought it was cute how you thought I wouldn't notice your bright panties."

I gasp. "You saw that?"

"Oh, yes. You thought you were so sneaky."

"Well... whatever."

He laughs, the mattress shaking. "Now you have no way of hiding their color from me."

I scoff. "We'll see about that. So you have no plans of returning to your old company?"

"Hmm... no. I've still got plenty of control over it. My shares remain. I want to start over with everything I learned."

"Won't you miss your friends?"

It takes him a second to reply. "I only had Gregory. He was like a brother to me. We went to college together. But he betrayed me by helping Grace, so I ripped him out of the company. I left an actual brother in charge. A blood-related one."


He groans. "Cassius. He's my second cousin. He's a brilliant coder–better than me. He found the problem with your helmet and patched the bug. His weakness is people. He has never run a company, so this will be interesting. But I know he has integrity. The guy never looked at me sideways."

"Why do you say he's bad with people?"

He sighs. "Because all he wants to talk about is code. I can follow his conversation just fine, but not everyone can. And he has no interest in leaving his house."

"So he's the stereotypical dude in a basement eating potato chips and staring at a monitor all day," I chuckle. "I can't picture him as the CEO."

"Come on, Leila." He chuckles. "He has my blood. The guy is attractive but doesn't have people skills. I was surprised when he accepted my invitation to the company since he has only worked with the government, but he will do well. It will just take time to get used to being around people."

"I see. And what new company will you start?"

"I'm stepping away from virtual reality and working on emotion projection. It will be revolutionary. It might be adapted in courts for criminal cases. You know, to test honesty and guilt."

"Wow, big dreams."

"I've got bigger ones. I will get you to agree to marry me by the end of the year."

I startle, nearly falling off the bed. My eyes widen as I yell, "You can't just say things like that!"

He shrugs. "Come on. You've always known that I'm blunt."

"No. We still have a lot to figure out..."

"Like what? Grace is dealt with. There are no charges filed. Gregory is gone. Cassius is crawling out of his cave. You moved in with me."

"But I just found out you were spying on me."

"Yeah, that's why I'm proposing in a few months to give you time to get over it. Now let's go to your room to remove the rest of your things." He stands from the bed, walking away like nothing happened.

I throw my hands out, giving up.

The man is insane!

"Would you want a prenup?" I ask as he walks out the door, hoping he says yes.

"What for?" he asks. "If we divorce and you take half, I'll just build another company." He laughs and leaves the room.

For fuck's sake, he is certifiably insane.

Caught by the BossWhere stories live. Discover now