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Lennox is tucked into my side as we enter the restaurant.

She looks around the restaurant and as lovely as it is my eyes can do nothing except focus on Lennox. The flared crew neck maxi dress drapes around her figure perfectly. Before Lennox I never noticed the way clothes seemed to fit around women. I didn't care about those sorts of things. With her it is impossible not to notice the way the soft material molds itself to her feminine curves.

Her dark hair is pulled into a complicated high bun with a few curly strands she has left out. Whatever moisturizer she has put on has her skin glimmering. Annoyance prickles thinking of sharing our time together with the Morino's. Lennox unsurprisingly has taken a liking to Avalon. Seems the only person she has had a problem with is me. Thankfully we were able to clear that up.

"I see her." She points to the wall on the furthest side of the restaurant with a wall of flowers and fairy lights. "And so are her boys." A smirk covers my face. Of course she wouldn't leave the house without them. None of her boys would go for it.

Grabbing Lennox's hand I lead her through the garden themed restaurant. Distractedly she walks staring at every porcelain fountain and ceiling flower decorations.

Cara waves when she sees us making our way over. Avalon smiles brightly at Lennox. The men at the table merely watch us with narrowed eyes. Lennox takes the staringin stride. She's used to it.

Another thing that drives me absolutely nuts about her. The confidence she maintains even in the face of a table of criminals. The Morino's are a dangerous bunch of motherfuckers. Not the kind that hide their sinister ways by wearing Armani suits. They wear their danger proudly. They're the kind of menace that mothers and fathers warn their children about.

Undoubtedly even if Lennox were walking into this restaurant to meet this family alone I know she would still strut through this place as if she owned it. As if the Morino's owed her. This woman is something else. She feeds off of the energy of others whether in her favor or not.

That's the type of woman who could stand by you. Who could help run your empire.

This isn't the first time I have had this very thought. The more time I spend with her the more it becomes clear how perfect we are for each other. Easily she fits into my life. A missing puzzle piece I never considered.

Reaching the rectangular table I pull out the seat across from Avalon for her. Animatedly the two greet each other.

"Where's baby boy? I think he's starting to warm up to me." Lennox jokes.

"He and Gia are at the house." Avalon smiles.

Turning from Avalon, Lennox politely greets Cara Marie. Then she sharply regards the men at the table. Exactly the way I would have.

Why is she pulling at my heartstrings right now? Now is not the time to be thinking this way.

"Good evening Morino's." A chaste collective response sounds from the family. The only two to regard me with any warmth are Cara and Avalon.

An awkward silence falls over the table. While I have known this family since my birth and have done more business with them than anyone else. I still wasn't close to their family on a personal level. After mom's death I shut the world out. I never regretted it, but I do wonder about what could have been.

Our waitress takes our drink orders. The scowling faces has her scurrying off quickly. This is going to be one long dinner.

"Alright I'll be the one to say it." Emiliano pipes up drawing a chorus of sighs from his family. "This is awkward as fuck."

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