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"Mom, stop calling me." Immediately I hang up the phone. Just because we had a heart to heart didn't mean I needed her to take over. It wasn't until my emotional post-nut clarity that I realized what she meant by "letting her handle it." If I had earlier I would've told her to forget it. She's right that the situation needs to be handled as soon as possible and as delicately as it could be. Especially if I'm going to keep Fabian away and protected. That's the only thing I haven't thought through yet. I'm not sure my heart would be able to endure the pain I could see coming from this. Keeping him safe meant the possibility of ending things between us. That way Jackson would have no reason to hurt him if God forbid he caught onto my plan.

My decision to go up against Jackson Dane meant that anyone associated with me isn't off limits. I've vowed to protect Fabian and his family who have taken me in as one of their own. Family protects family. Cruelty knows no evil like Jackson Dane. I always had an inkling about the darkness that took over his soul. Standing over Rebecca Cheyney in a private hospital room only re-confirmed what I knew in my mind. A woman who I hadn't seen in months without a word had called me after being viciously attacked by Jackson Dane. How ironic.

It was the morning after dinner with my parents and Fabian that I had gotten a call from her. On the phone she sounded out of breath, so weak. Nothing like the confident woman who confronted me only days before. She spoke in minimal words rattling off the address of the secluded home she was at. I almost decided not to go since I had no idea what I was walking into. For all I know it could have been a ploy between her and Dane. Thinking better of her and the fact that she was pregnant with a child that Jackson so obviously did not want, I decided to go. When I walked into the cabin styled home it was a complete wreck. It looked like a bear had rampaged through the entire cabin. The front door was even unlocked and not fully closed.

Calling her name I walked through the front hallway at the response of silence. It wasn't until I heard the slightest breath that I realized that I wasn't being pranked and that someone else was actually there. I followed the hollowed sound to the kitchen. I could hear her shallow breaths but couldn't find her. Walking around to the other side of the island I saw Rebecca laid on the floor flat on her back. Her arm was wrapped protectively around her stomach guarding the baby. The baby.

Jackson Dane had been here, this has him written all over it. The marks on her skin scream his name to me. The animal that has been through this house is the worst one yet, Jackson Dane. Unhinged and completely unfiltered. After blood. I can't even begin to imagine what he had done to her, said to her. My eyes fall back to her stomach. Please let the baby be fine. I'm not sure who I was asking or putting the little bit of faith I had into. Whoever it was I hoped they would save them. The only people who should have to pay up for their sins are those of us who created this mess. Part of me knows I hold a responsibility in all of this. All of these years I have placated and had become complicit in Jackson Dane's affairs. Turning your head sideways doesn't abdicate you of the things you have done or ignored. I should know. Right now the ghost of my own decisions is wrapping its hands around my throat forcing me to look at the damage before me. If we didn't get out of here soon he would be back to finish whatever sick depraved thing he planned to do.

I fell to my knees not caring about my suit pants soaking up the splattered blood. Her pulse was shallow but I could hear her breathing which had to be a good sign. She's strong her and the baby will survive. They had to. Pulling out my phone I called for a private ambulance, yes they have those. It was set to be here in less than five minutes which at the time seemed impossibly long. The windows had all been open probably to freeze her out while she is comatose. It wasn't enough to hurt her but he had to torture her. I wonder what would make a woman like her fall for someone like him?

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