31. Birthday Gift🔞

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Subham's birthday was the same in both worlds, March 1st.  

Subham never had any expectations for his birthday, for him it was just another day, and for others, it was a chance to meet up.

In this world, his mother hosted a day event, and dinner party for him. He had no objection, all of his friends were drowned in their work, making it impossible for them to attend his Birthday celebration.  

However, Mrinal like always did surprise him.

As usual, after finishing his morning routine, he returned to his room.

As soon as he entered he heard Mrinal sing, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you my dear husband, hehe."

Mrinal kept giggling as he sang the birthday song, looking at those fruit cakes and lotus flowers on the table Subham felt an avalanche of emotion rolling in his heart, moved, happy, but also a sore feeling in his heart made him realize he was never indifferent, but nobody could arouse his emotion to this extent. 

"Thank you." Subham hugged Mrinal tightly, wanting to control his raw emotion. 

Mrinal responded, "There's no need to say thanks, cut the cake, and tell me, do you like it?" 

"Did you make it?" Subham asked.

"Yes!" Mrinal replied excitedly.

Subham directly cut the cake, since blowing off a candle is considered ominous Mrinal didn't use one.

Subham fed the first bite to Mrinal, then ate a piece by himself, "This is good, it's not too sweet, I like it very much."

Subham has never told anyone that he almost hates sugar, although he can eat it, it leaves a bad taste in his mouth, and Mrinal knew his taste well enough.

"Right!" Mrinal then picked up the bunch of half-bloomed flowers tied together, and handed it to Subham, "This flower reminds me of you, do you like it?"  

"I like it." Subham who received a flower with a meaningful message for the first time was elated in his heart, Subham was curious, "Why does it remind you of me?" 

"There are many reasons but I think the first time we met, without any prejudice and hate, you held my hand, that was...everything I needed at the moment."

"Why would I hate you, or have any prejudice against you? We even, met for the first time that day." Subham recalled but there wasn't anything that happened before their meeting.

Mrinal was quiet for a while then replied, "You must have heard people calling me used goods, second-hand materials but you still came."

Subham was shocked, although, he did hear this he never thought someone would be shameless enough to say it to Mrianl.

"You didn't think of me as filth or garbage, but you accepted me. That's like this lotus flower growing on muddy water but still the brilliant flower meant for god." Mrinal spoke smiling.

"Mimi, it's people's minds which is filthy, not you, I never cared about others' talk, just because you had an engagement that doesn't mean anything, you are my family and it's up to me whether I like you or marry you it's all me, not someone else, understand?" Subham felt that Mrinal didn't need to hold him in such high esteem for such a reason. 

"I know, that's why I like you so much." Mrinal smiles again, although he doesn't care what people say about him, but whenever Subham is dragged in with him he feels hurt and uncomfortable at the same time his love for Subham grows stronger, as he always stands by his side ignoring those words.

Subham lightly kissed Mrrinal's forehead, hugging him in his arms.

He was relieved that Mrinal could handle it, but he also felt distressed for him. He never felt that Mrinal would like him for such a trivial matter.

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