24. The First True Kiss

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The next day Subham reached the venue around six o clock, when it was still dark. at this time the stage has been set up. 

All the participants were present and even the audience seat was packed. 

Subham looked at Mrinal who was at the front. Subham didn't go up to him at this time, he stood at the back waiting for the competition to begin. 

According to the rule each participant had to do three positions randomly chosen from the cheat box. For each position, they had two opportunities. 

Now here comes the obstacle, the first participant who made a mistake in his pose made a continuous mistake as from the beginning he was laughed at and made fun of by the audience. 

After that, some students more or less made mistakes due to nervousness, apart from the institution's affiliated college participant who was cheered on by the audience.

At last, it was Mrinal's turn.  

The poses Mrinal chose even their names sounds like some sort of deadly missile names. The three poses were Urdhava Paschmottasana, Supta Virasana, and Adho Muka Kapotasana. 

Surprisingly Mrinal was pretty calm throughout the process and the audience was silent.  

Without any problem, Mrinal finished his three sets of positions and stepped down from the stage. 

The judges won't announce the results until the prize distribution ceremony.

As soon as the host announced the end of the event the audience dispersed and Subham went up to Mrinal.

"You did well, even more awesome you didn't make any mistake." As soon as he saw Mrinal Subham, praised him.

"You think so?" Mrinal asked Subham then extended his hands towards him.

Subham thought Mrinal just wanted to hold his hands, when he held Mrinal's hand in his hands Subham frowned, "Why are your hands so cold?" 

"Oh! I was so nervous just now, thankfully I didn't mess up." Mrinal shivered as he spoke.

"Are you feeling cold? Where's your jacket?" Subham asked Mrinal as he looked around and found his jacket on a chair.

"Always dress warmly, once you catch a cold there's no immediate remedy. Are you listening to me, Mimi?" Subham looked at Mrinal being distracted and asked, "Are you looking for someone?"

"Hmm...I don't know where my teacher went, I'm hungry now." Mrinal spoke still looking around.

Subham put on the white on Mrinal's head, "Don't worry she must be in another venue right now, I will talk to the volunteers now. Wait a minute." 

Subham made two calls and found Mrinal's teacher and with her permission took Mrinal for breakfast.

"Your teacher won't scold you right?" Subham asked Mrinal, despite them being married majority of the conservative teachers would not be too happy to allow them to roam like this on the campus.

"Huh? She is not that unreasonable. if we weren't married probably she wouldn't allow." Mrinal thought carefully and replied.

"That's good. What do you want to eat?" Subham held Mrinal's hand tightly as they walked.

"What is available here?" Mrinal asked.

"Probably Idli, dosa, paratha, sandwich, coffee, pasta, samosa, and rest we will see," Subham told Mrinal whatever he had seen in the cafeteria. 

"Hahahha you sound like a waiter." Mrinal laughed.

"Do I? Guess I am your waiter now." Subham had a smile in his eyes while speaking.

I met my little wife in another worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora