4. First Meeting

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As decided earlier, Subham came to pick up Mrinal with his mother early in the morning.

Subham was waiting for Mrinal and his mother in the car, in front of their house while his mother went inside to pick up Mrinal.

The car driven today was similar to that of H.M. Contessa. He stood outside of the car since he felt cramped and the space inside couldn't accommodate his long legs. In his previous body, he was even taller however, the cars were big enough to accommodate him. They could have used the jeep but the heat made it impossible. Now he thinks that it is important to modify a car for his use.

Subham's grandfather and her mother both have quite a collection of cars from luxurious to regular all kinds of cars are in the garage behind the backyard. Today when they went from the side passage of the backyard he discovered that it was connected to the garage, the garage is huge. Subham's car is also parked in the garage however his mom refused to let him drive and they came with the driver in another car.

Subham looked at his wristwatch, it was only 9.30 but the streets were now crowded with people and some people started paying attention to him and the car.

Subham waited for a while and saw a slightly overweight middle-aged man, dressed formally with a helmet and lunch box in one hand and a leather office bag on his shoulder, coming out of the second floor. Behind him was a middle-aged woman with curly hair and brown skin, she was talking politely with Sudha and behind her was a kid, although he couldn't see him he supposed it was Mrinal.

He didn't see Mrinal completely until all of them came downstairs.

Subham was stunned when he saw Mrinal. Mrinal was beautiful like a porcelain doll, with his dazzling pale skin, his big round eyes slightly slanted upwards like a cat, a small round nose with a tint of pink, and the bright pink thin lips however, no matter how you look at it he looks like an oriental boy, not like an Indian and on top of that he is really small and thin. Subham thought is Mrinal adopted?

But he quickly denied the idea, the couple already have two children so why would they adopt another child?

While talking the group of people came forward, Subham assumed that the other two were Mrinal father and mother so he went forward to greet them.

"Namaste Uncle. Namaste Aunty." Subham greeted them politely.

"All good, I believe you will take good care of Mrinal." Mrinal father spoke while patting his arm since he failed to pat Subham's shoulder.

"Don't worry too much, Bini's father, since Subham is a good student, he will take good care of Mrinal," replied Mrinal's mother.

Aunty, do you even understand what you are saying? what logic is this? A good student is a good person. Subham felt annoyed and funny at the same time.  

Although he didn't show it to his face, Sudha still felt his son's emotion and quickly added "Yes, yes don't worry Subham will take good care of Mrinal, I'll also take care of him like my own son. let's go quickly otherwise our late departure will also delay Mrinal's father."

"Yes, hurry up Bini's father or you will be late for your work." Mrinal's mother also urged. 

After watching Mrinal's father ride that elephant of a scooter Subham also said goodbye to his future mother-in-law.

Subham walked towards the car and opened the car door for Sudha and said "Maa, get in the car soon it's hot outside."  

Sudha walked with Mrinal towards their car and sat in while Mrinal was standing outside nervously, he heard Subham saying, "Mrinal come here."

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