They won't like you.

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The day i first got to Camp, was the day everything in my life changed.

First, everytime i tried to talk whit somebody, somehow a fucking lightning bolt fell down on them.

Then, Luke wasn't talking whit me, and people were being mean for something he said about me, whit, until today, i don't know what it was.

People would laugh and say the most un-godly stuff about my dad.

That last till today. And i don't know why.

Once again, there's a knock at my door. Will i get any sleep tonight? Probably not. And when i open the door, there he is. My favorite child of Poseidon (also the only child of Poseidon i know off).

"Hello fish boy."

"Sup, thunder girl."- he looks sad, but there's a little smile on his lips.

"So, what do you want?"

He pushes me aside gently walking in whitout asking for permission, seating down on one of the empty bunkers.

"You hate me, don't you?" - he blurs out, staring at the wall. I think he's been crying, his eyes looks red.

I seat down next to him, carefully avoiding toutching him.

"I don't hate you Percy..."

For a few seconds, it looks like he's gonna say something, but then he just hugs me, leaning on me. I'd like to say i was cool whit it, but i Frozen. Like, really froze. More than i had when Ethan kissed me half an hour ago.

"Uh..."- i pat his back, blushing like crazy. After that, he nods slightly and let's go off me, before walking out the Cabin, not before nearly tripping in my desk.

Now, what's whit boys and knocking on my door today? Like, the fuck? But anyways...

When i finally  fall asleep, it's way to late.


"Your father banned me from drinking, ya know?"

Mr.D is chugging down a can of coke, staring at a chess game.

"Mhm...i did know that."

"Good, good. But you could always get me a bottle, ya see?"- he puts down the can, finally making a move, earning over a piece of mine. He's playing white and im playing black.

"And make my father mad at me? Sorry Mr.D, can't have that, can i?"

Everytime i had make my father mad, he'd fuck my life over.

After all, it was his fault people at Camp hated me.

"Mhm...fine... c'mon Marina, it's training time."- he basicly kicks me out, but he does it wbit a little smile.

He's smile looks like my mom's.

I haven't talked much about her, have i? Well, i've seen her about...7 times?

Everytime i saw her, she gave me a few coins. Dracmas to be precise. I always tought she was a Half-Blood as well. Still think it. She had the most beautiful brown hair, and she'd always wear green and blue dresses, that made her look like a peacoock.

"Bye Mr.D"-  i walk out the little gazibo, acidently stumbling on one of the Apollo campers. He cusses out my bloodline and walks away.

Weren't Apollo kids supposed to be all lovey-dovey?
Guess this one was bad at birth.

In training, we always do the same thing. Running around and shooting stuff. Very important shit, ya feel me?

I was being ironic, in case you didn't notice.

I hate running. So, when it's mandatory, somehow, there's always a thunderstorm. What a unfurtonnate coincidence, that deffinitly has nothing to do whit my powers.

I think im more powerfull than these Demi-Gods. Even more powerfull than my sister. She couldn't summon storms, but i can. It tires me out, sure, but not to an unberable level. Guess my mom was tought bitch, uh?

I don't know. I guess i just...slay.


When i wake up, it's time to go.
To a task. 
To give back my father greatest weapon.
And we're not talking about the Bolt.

We're talking about me.
They just don't know it.

The Sea and The SkyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin