chapter 28

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Khun tell me honestly who kidnapped you ??  And how does that benifit my Father .Asked Vegas .
Mio, did but he was ordered by my father.  Said khun in surprisingly calm voice.
Why why why would uncle korn kidnap you ?? Vegas couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kinn really never expected it would be their dad. Where as Kim doubted everyone especially his dad.
The intention was not to kidnap but to actually murder me.  Khun further revealed and Porsche could see khun dying all over again. Anything but that . He can't let that repeat.
What are you saying khun?? That bas-. Its made Porsche so angry he could just go and shoot korn right now.  They'll all murder him.  He's ok with it as long as everyone is safe. Kinn looks broken. He is realising how no one actually loved him . Hes just a puppet. Vegas got a reality check this morning. He already looks drained.
Calm down Porsche. Khun was surprisingly calm .
Actually it's related to Porsche. I found out last night. My dad actually murdered my mom . Yes that is surprising but he actually killed our mom . I don't know why. He killed her infront of my eyes.  I had a recording of it. Porsche's mom is our aunt.  Her husband was an undercover agent. So I wanted to ask his help. Khun kept telling the story but the wheels in Porsche's head were spinning.
Wait wait so did my mom know about my dad ?? He asked. He is so close to getting a panic attack.
No i don't think so . I figured it out on one of our playdates. He had a secret room in your house and i accidentally went in . He saw me and asked me to leave but instead I asked for help.  I don't know how dad figured out that I asked for help. That's how your parents got killed. I am sorry Porsche. Its my fault. Khun looked down he had tears in his eyes. But then khun noticed Porsche was hyperventilating.
He was about to fall when kinn caught him in time. Porsche couldn't focus on anything he couldn't stop crying. He hugged kinn, his his face into kinns shirt.  Everyone was shocked at Porsche's reaction. Kinn picked him up and carried him back to their room. Porsche clenched his shirt with the power he has in him.
Leave them alone. Leave them alone. He chanted while crying. Everything was past was playing in front of his eyes. Kids dying. Khun dying chay dying. He can't let that happen again. But he has no control over his body.
Kinn calmed him down . After 15 min, Porsche settled down . He was too tired so kinn let him sleep. Once Porsche was asleep, he went back to his brothers.
How's he doing?? asked khun.
Better , just fell asleep. Kinn could hear sigh of relief from everyone.
Its all my fault. Khun said.
Khun it's not your fault. It might be shocking for him  to find so many things together. Said Pete.
Hmm. Let's not tell chay yet.  He'll freak out as well. Kinn announced.
Hmm and Macau too. But we have to tell kim. He might be helpful said Vegas.
An hour later when Porsche woke up. He found Kinn sitting right next to him.  He got up and hugged him. .
How's khun ??
Better. And think about yourself . You almost fainted and had a panic attack. Should I get you a therapist??kinn lectured.
Hmmm you and your brothers need a therapist more then me. He kissed him on his cheek and replied.
Tell me you didn't tell anything to chay?. He asked
Obviously kids found nothing.  Kinn said proudly.
Thank you said Porsche.
Except Kim. He said in a flash second .
Kim is also a kid. Porsche rolled his eyes.
I have to meet my dad today.  I don't know how to even look at that man without strangling him to death. He said .
Stay calm and I'll go with you . Wait. No no you rest.  Kinn insisted but Porsche was already up.
He is still dizzy but he started getting ready. Within 5 min he was ready. He didn't listen to any protests by kinn.
Kinn entered his father's area and found chan standing near by. He doubts if chan knew everything.  Porsche went and stood next to chan.
What did you find Annakinn ?? Asked his father.
Uncle gun sent tawan here . To get information also to get information out of khun but that just back fired khun is even more scared now.  Kinn lied with a straight face . Korn asked the bodyguards to leave. 
Porsche noticed how chan was uncomfortable. Porsche didn't have to time to play game so he pinned chan into a wall. If this was a rookie Porsche he would be on floor bleeding but this was the mafia boss with almost 10 years of experience in underworld. No one means no one can move this rock.
What  are you hiding chan ??
Don't lie to me i know a lot more than you can even imagine. He moved his hand to press on arm where he was sure big must've left a hickey. Chan kept a straight face. But Porsche was not backing down so fast.
Tell me or I'll ask big myself in my way.  I know how he like it. Porsche smirked. Everyone in this family has a jealousy gene.
Khun  korn is going to attack minor family.

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