Chapter 6

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I looked at her warm smile as she waited for my response. I didn't even realize I was staring as I was trying to figure out if she really was my homeroom teacher's daughter.

They do look similar though. Wait why am I still thinking about this?

"Hellooo you still in there?" she asked me interrupting my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.

I shook my head almost forgetting where I was as I put back on my neutral facial expression.

"O-oh um yeah, my name is Megumi Fushiguro," I said finally introducing myself to her.

She chuckled to herself which caused me to put on a puzzled look.

What's so funny?

"You know Fushiguro. The school has already given you a nickname," she said which caused my puzzled look to deepen.

Already? How?!

"What is it?" I asked her curious.

She laughed to herself again which made me start to feel irritated. It's clear whatever my nickname is it's not a nice one.

"Mr. Potty mouth. Remember when I called you that earlier? That's how all of the kids are referring to you. I wouldn't do it though since you have such a nice name," Tsumiki said complimenting me.

Really? I hate my name...

"Sure you do. My first name is a girl name you know," I said not believing her sweet demeanor.

She walked up to me and did something unexpectedly. She pulled me in for a hug. It felt so warm, it made me feel like I could trust every word she says from now on.

"I think it's very nice. Especially one with such a nice meaning behind it. Blessings," she said genuinely as she finally released me from the hug and making me feel embarrassed.

Why didn't I push her away? She must be some type of witch or something! Witchcraft! I don't feel like my normal self... I feel calmer... I hate it...

"You know I always imagined having a little brother embarrassed every time I give him a compliment. Never wanting to admit he appreciates it. I think that dream has come true," she said as she pinched my cheeks making me slap her hand away.

She knows nothing about me...

"Are you always this nice to everyone? I hope not, that's never gotten anyone far. You know absolutely nothing about me," I said trying to resist her kindness. I didn't need it and I didn't want it. I'm here because I was forced to be here.

She put on a thoughtful expression because she realized I was right.

"You know what you're so right! How about I tell you something about me then you tell me something about yourself?" She asked trying to make a deal.

I just shrugged in agreement because I didn't care enough to say no.

"I'm eight years old and I'm obsessed with sweets! My favorite one is Meiji chocolate! Also my mom is Ms. Kato. She was telling me about how this kid, which is you, was saying very bad words to another kid. She said it's going to be a very long year," Tsumiki said sharing some things about herself.

So that is her mom...

"Who the blotchy kid? He started it," I said which caused her to chuckle.

Again, what's so funny?

"You mean Adachi?" She said still laughing.

"Oh shit you're right," I said kind of embarrassed that I genuinely thought that was his name.

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