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Toji's Pov

Here I am, still alive after Satoru Gojo was meant to kill me. He was going to use his hollow technique purple on me, but for some reason, he sparred a monkey like me with zero cursed energy.

Maybe he saw something in these pathetic eyes of mine, wouldn't put it past him, he does possess the six eyes after all.

He walked up to me but his eyes were different, they didn't seem to want to end me anymore, but try to understand me.

"What, you're not going to use your fancy technique anymore?" I asked him, waiting for him to get it over with.

He kept walking up to me and smiled.

"Nah, I was going to, but I think I'm going to do my own thing. Instead I want you to tell me, the cool and stoic sorcerer killer, why I detected a hint of sadness on your face when you were almost met with death?" He asked me.

I looked at him and tried to hold back my laughter and disbelief.

Me? Looking sad when I almost got put to the ground? I couldn't give a shit if I meant my end. Nothing lasts forever anyway.

I couldn't hold back my laughter and I met Gojo with a sinister smile.

"You know what kid, just get this over with before I do it first. Aren't the good guys supposed to put the bad guys down?" I asked as I started to grip my chains tighter because I realized he wasn't going to finish the job.

He was now close to me with his hands in his pockets.

"Well I guess I am a good guy, but one that doesn't just kill anyone just because I'm told to or pressured to. If I see potential, I like to hear them out," he told me.

I shook my head at him.

Being too easy going like that is what will get you killed kid.

"Stop talking like you're a wise guy."

He just chuckled at what I said, afterwards a sinister smile appeared on his face as he lifted up his hand.

"If you don't tell me why I saw the sadness in your eyes, I actually will kill you," Gojo said as he started up his technique again.

I laughed it off to him, but in the inside, I knew why he thought he sensed it.


"You really want to know a little about my boring life?" I asked him.

Gojo put his hand down and returned to a softer smile.

"So you really do want to live? Now I'm very intrigued!" Gojo said waiting for what I had to say.

It's not that I care about that, but for some reason I want to tell him, once again pathetic...

"I have a son, his name is Megumi, and I sold him to the Zenin clan. Soon they'll claim him," I started to explain to Gojo, still not understanding why I am.

Gojo was listening intently to my every word.

"Wait isn't that more of a girls name? Though, I don't judge," he said rolling with it.

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