Chapter 3

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Toji's Pov

"Gooodmorning sunshine," Gojo woke me up enthusiastically which made me turn my body to the other side and put a pillow over my head.

It's already been two weeks since Megumi and I moved into Gojo's home. Even after Megumi and I clearly showed him we don't like being woken up this way Gojo has decided to not listen to us and still do it anyway.

"Aww come on! We have to cook Megumi breakfast and you haven't done it yet! I've been doing all of the cooking!" Gojo said as he took the pillow off of my head.

I sat up as I scratched my head and let out a small yawn.

"Yeah you have, and your cooking has been shit," I said which caused Gojo to put on a dramatic facial expression as if what I said was that hurtful.

This kid is such a drama queen...

"Hey watch what you say about my cooking before I purple hollow your ass! I'm doing the best I can. Anyway if you think my cooking is that bad how about you cook for your son," he said which caused me to give him a look.

Like hell I'm doing that

"Sure chief I'll get right on that," I said as I got up from my bed and put on a tank top because I was shirtless.

Gojo sighed as he gave me a 'come on' look which annoyed me.

"I can be all for the bullshit you know that but the agreement was you take care of your son. I can't have my precious Megumi left alone with a bum like you whenever I'm busy, which is often," Gojo said which made me roll my eyes.

Like I said... such a drama queen...

"Why do you care so much he isn't even your kid?" I asked him.

Gojo put on a gushing face which freaked me out.

"Well because he is just so gosh darn cute!"

I glared at him before I smirked.

"You're welcome," I said which caused Gojo to scoff at me.

"I'm not giving you any credit for that. Now go make something, anything! Hell i don't care if it's even a sandwich," Gojo said as he was walking out of my room.

Damn... I haven't cooked in a long time... what do kids even eat? Screw it I'm going with a basic breakfast and he's going to like whatever I cook whether he wants to or not


I was in the kitchen cooking when I saw a sleepy Megumi walk out with Gojo behind him giving him a gentle push to keep walking.

"Huh? Toji's cooking? You know how to do that?" Megumi asked half awake as he was yawning.

Calling me Toji huh? Whatever....

"Yeah I'm just finishing up on the pancakes, the eggs and bacon are already done," I said as I put the last pancake on the plate with the others.

"Can't be worse than Gojo's cooking, that was awful," Megumi said as he took a seat at the table and laid his head down on it as Gojo put his hand over his heart.

Our Family | Toji x Megumi x Gojoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن