Chapter 4

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What does he want...

I answered the phone and as soon as I did I heard laughter on the other end.

"Ah Toji, is it really you? No it couldn't be because rumors have it in the jujutsu world you got your son back and you're all buddy buddy with Satoru Gojo now," Shiu said not believing the words that was coming out of his mouth as he kept laughing at it all.

When he said it I started laughing as well, not believing it myself even though I'm experiencing it first hand and I'm an active participant.

"Well the rumors are true, well at least that's what they think anyway," I said as I started walking towards the direction of the garden so I could have a private conversation.

He only made a noise in response trying to figuring out what I was insinuating.

"What? You mean to tell me you aren't trying to be friends with the man that tried to kill you and reconnect with the son you purposely abandoned? I'm shocked," he said which caused me to respond with a tch at his sarcasm.

At least not everyone is a complete idiot...

"You really think I would want any connection with the jujutsu world? Nah I'm done with that. The only thing that keeps me entangled in its webs is the fact that I can humiliate them when they lose to a zero cursed energy monkey like me," I told him as I started slightly smirking to myself.

He just let out a quick chuckle as he tried to understand what my intentions are.

"That's good and all that there is still some loyalty there to the man who pays you well. Still, try to help me understand this Toji. Why are you around them? Couldn't you have kept doing what you were doing on your own?" He queried me.

This was definitely the only way... for sure...

"Shit you think with Satoru Gojo standing right in front of me ready to purple hollow my ass to oblivion I would have made it? No I wouldn't, the kid is stronger than I thought. I did what I had to do," I explained to him.

"Which is by pretending you're turning straight?" He asked me trying to understand.

"Yeah actually. If I didn't pretend like I'm trying to turn into a good guy it would have been over. My son was just the latch I needed to back it up, it's as simple as that. Do I need to explain more or does your dense skull understand?" I said to him because I know he didn't trust me fully.

A small laugh escaped his lips as I could hear he was taking a puff from his cigarette.

"Yeah I get it, I'm just hoping you're not turning soft you know? The old you would have thought you would be better ending off dead since this is taking a lot of work to play the nice guy," he said which caused me to be quiet for a moment.

He's not wrong but I definitely haven't changed. I just have the same goal but I'm achieving it in a different way, that's it....

"You're right the old me wouldn't have done this but I have intellect. I needed a different approach and I found one. Unless you want to take care of all of those 'bugs' that keeps 'pestering' you yourself, you wouldn't question my method," I said trying to shut down any doubt he has of me.

My words now caused him to be quiet for a moment. He was carefully thinking about everything I said and trying to take it in.

"What's your plan? You actually got one or is this whole thing just a whim?"

Shit I don't have one now that I think about it...

I clicked my tongue because my mind was drawing a blank. Though I realized I don't have to think too hard about this.

"I didn't but you know what I'm going to keep it simple. I'm just going to keep pretending like I'm trying to go straight while on the side I continue my hustle. I'll frame some people and keep trying to get closer to jujutsu sorcerers then I'll kill them. Hopefully I get lucky and one of them ends up being Gojo. No more annoying sorcerers and no more corrupt clans, beautiful picture I just painted did I not?" I said laying everything out for him.

He was quiet but I know he was playing my plan out in his head as he took more puffs from his cigarette.

"Alright I see it now. I'll let the other guys know so they'll want to keep doing business with you. If anything comes up I'll let you know," he said as he hung up.

That phone call was annoying as hell... whatever...

When I put my phone in my pocket I turned around to go back inside the house when I was met with Gojo standing right there.


"Who was that? Is it a buddy of yours who wants to join this little thing we got going on here?" He asked me curiously with a smile.

Maybe he doesn't know... let me feel him out...

"Do you not have a damn bell?" I asked trying to avoid his question as I started walking back inside with him following me.

Gojo picked up the pace of his footsteps as he stood in front of me now which put a pause in my walking.

"Toji... who was that?" He asked again seriously this time with his blue eyes becoming more profound as he stared into my soul.

His demeanor wasn't frightening for me but it was certainly starting to piss me off. I didn't want to already be caught this early when especially I know how to get out of a bad spot.

"Kid learn how to mind your own business shit. It was just the school making sure Megumi will be in attendance tomorrow now move," I said lying as I pushed Gojo out of the way but he still followed me.

Damn he's annoying...

"Really? They called you first but I put you as the secondary contact since you didn't want to be the first. If I'm honest I would've put you as none but remember they wouldn't let me because you're his parent, sigh...," Gojo said dissapointed.

Okay good I don't think he heard anything I was saying on the phone with Shiu...

"If the school calls again for any reason make sure you tell me. I don't want you to mess anything up for my precious Megumi!" he said which caused me to sigh out of annoyance.

Stop calling him that...

"You're only a kid so it's expected. Now can I get a few moments of peace?" I asked as I was trying to leave him behind.

Gojo finally let up and didn't follow me anymore but he said something under his breath that I didn't hear.


I walked into my room and I laid down on my bed so I can shut my eyes for a moment.

I wonder when my next job will be... it would be better if it wasn't tomorrow.... that's Megumi's first day.... but what do I care?


We've got an old pal coming back into the picture 👀⭐️

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