••Reviewer: Mads (CLOSED)

212 5 27


▪ Books Accepted (language):
Accepting Only English Books.

Snippets of foreign language are acceptable, but the primary language should be English.

▪ Payment:-
✰ Read at least one chapter of my book "To Be, Rather Than To Seem" and leave genuine (inline or outline) comment(s) showing that you have read it. If you choose to read ahead, I appreciate your kindness.

✰ Shout-out my book "To Be, Rather Than To Seem" on your profile message board.

✰ A follow on @CrownedMadness, if you are happy with the review.

NOTE: Please wait for my approval before completing the payment. Kindly acknowledge receipt by commenting after the review is posted.

▪ Preferences:-
I am open to almost all genres (Please refer to Will Not Prefer for the unaccepted genres). Please note that my forte is Realistic Fiction, and I have experience in Mystery Thriller, Paranormal, Romance, and Short Stories. LGBTQ+ and Mature stories are welcome.

▪ Will Not Prefer:-
✰ Erotica
✰ Applyfic
✰ Fan-fiction. However, I will consider it if the based-on source is familiar to me. Please check with me.
✰ Poetry. I refrain from reviewing poetry as I'm not qualified enough.
✰ Screenplay
✰ Dialogue-Only stories

▪ Focus on:-
I will provide an overall assessment of the book's appeal, considering all elements of creative writing, including plot, execution, and enjoyment quotient. That is, I will analyze both the content and language technicalities. If you require feedback on the book cover and title, kindly inform me. If you wish for my input on any specific areas, let me know that, too.

▪ Points to note:-

✰ The estimated delivery time for a review is between 7-14 days. Typically, you can expect your review within a week of request approval. However, I'm adding an extra seven days to account for unforeseen circumstances. If for any reason the delivery gets delayed beyond 14 days, please do not hesitate to contact me through my profile message board or on Discord.

✰ As a writer myself, I understand how important book reviews are and how they can boost morale. However, I want to remind you that any criticism I offer is meant to be constructive and helpful in improving your craft. The last thing I want is to discourage you with my feedback. Art is subjective, and I'm aware of it, but I promise to provide you with an objective, fair, and balanced review. My ultimate goal is to uplift emerging writers like you and help you get discovered. Keep writing, and I wish you all the best!

▪ Amount of chapters I will read:

I'm offering my services for the first 5 Chapters, including the Prologue. The maximum reading time for each chapter is 10 minutes. If the chapter is shorter or longer, I'll work accordingly. Please note if the chapters are progressing slowly, I may skim-read a few more chapters.

▪ Form:

Book Title:
Short Book Description:
Book Cover & Title (If required): (Yes/No)
LGBTQ+/Mature: (Yes/No) Please specify the details of Mature content.
Any specific areas that you would like to receive feedback on:
Password :
(it is given in the welcome chapter of this book )
Tag me:
Tags ( 3+)

Comment your form here --------->>

▪ Ways to contact me:

My Wattpad (@CrownedMadness) message board is always open. I'm also available on Discord (@maddyalson). 

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