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A slender girl walks along the wall surrounding the garden. She balances deftly her feet moving across the red stone as she carefully placed each foot. At the door to inside of the palace stand two men captain Lee and Jee trusted members of Lord Zuko's inner circle.

They have been given the sole job of guarding the new princess. Alina pauses before she sits down on the wall and hops down deftly. It's been 18 months since she arrived in the fire nation she's been coronated as the crown princess a move that shocked the nobility especially since Alina is not a fire bender nor does she have golden eyes.

The girl moves forward and looks at herself in the reflection of the water. She only looks at herself for a few moments before she goes to her garden.  She had taken to healing her abilities have blossomed over the course of her time there and as many found out she is an avid reader and creator ...Alina bends down and begins to carefully gather the trimmings into her basket.

She picks it up and begins to make her way to the gate. Her guards hurry to stand behind her and she begins to walk towards the other side of the palace. She stops short when she sees someone climbing the side of the wall to the bedroom where Zuko sleeps along with Puni her baby sister ...her mother Mai died in childbirth.

Alina watches the girl and she sets her basket down before rushing over to the girl. Alina doesn't speak much but she can say a few words.

"Sasstop!" Alina says and the girl loses her balance and falls she turns her eyes narrowed before they fall on Alina. Her eyes widen when she sees the guards. Alina holds up a hand to stop their advance.

"Wh-why?" Alina says her voice hoarse but clear.

"I...he's going to tear apart my family!" She finally says and Alina hisses.

"T-th-then...tttalk to hiimm" Alina says the girls eyes widen "but he's the firelord!" Jee finally steps forward and puts a hand on Alina's shoulder.

"I've known the fire lord since he was a young boy. If you have a grievance then that can be addressed. I am sure you are aware of the punishment for what you intended to do" Jee says.

"I..what does it matter? He's supposed to protect us! Instead he's giving in to the earth kingdom ...he was supposed to be better" Jee looks at the girl for a few moments and he says

"there are many things that you may not understand until you have all of the pieces. Come you may stay here at the palace tonight in exchange you must give up your weapons ..perhaps tomorrow Lord Zuko will hear your grievances.   

The girl looks at them for a long moment and then she grabs Alina who gasps and she holds the dagger to her throat.

"Go get him or I'll rid the world of his line!"

Jee turns to Lee who runs off. Alina doesn't quite see the knife or hear what they're saying but she can feel the strength of the young girl tightening Alina looks at Jee and nods slightly and he says "very well I will go and get the Firelord to see what he has to say about this" Lee comes forward the girl steps back saying "walk" to Alina but of course she doesn't know because she can't hear.

"What are you stupid? WALK!"

"She's not stupid she's deaf!" Lee says and to both their surprise she releases the girl and Alina stumbles for a moment before turning to the girl. She moves her hands rapidly and lee translates

"You're hurt I can see that. Hurting me isn't going to make it better"

"He isn't taking care of us he's weak!" The girl says and Lee translates.

Alina sighs and she signs "sometimes strength is disguised as weakness." The girl turns away and shrieks and then she says "he's going to tear my family apart!" Alina looks at lee who quickly translates what she said.

"He doesn't know that. Talk to him. Trying to kill him won't  make it better." Alina sighs and Lee translates

Alina reads her lips as she says
"Kill him? How did you- ..."

"Alina!" Firelord Zuko goes over to the girl and brings her to his chest he looks her over for injury before putting her behind him and he looks at the girl and sighs.

Alina moves over to Jee who puts a hand on her shoulder. Lee translates as Zuko says "I'm told you are angry with me" he says.

The girl crosses her arms and doesn't speak.

"You know I was really angry as a teen. I was angry at the world uncle father and even myself. But then I realized hurting others wasn't making me happy only more angry"

"So what did you do?" The girl asks.

Alina can almost see the smile on his face when he says

"I accepted myself for who I am..compassion isn't weakness it's strength. Tell me why are you angry?"

"You're going to tear my family apart!" She says

"How?" Zuko asks.

"The harmony restoration movement where all fire nation citizens have to return here but I'm dad is fire nation my mom is earth what am I? What about my grandparents? Will I have to leave them behind too?! Why don't you think about that?"

Zuko's eyes widen and he closes his eyes. He rubs hand over his face. "I didn't ...I didn't know" he finally says. The girls eyes widen. She sighs and says

"the colonies are not all bad... some of them have been there for more then 100 years. That's a long time"

Zuko nods and he says "I must contact the avatar and the earth king. He and I will work this out together. We may even visit your home. Tell lieutenant Jee your fathers name and the colony you live in so we may contact him and assure him of your safety."

The girl's eyes widen and Alina stands with Jee while captain Lee takes down the girls details.
After Captain Lee nods to the fire-lord he puts a hand on her shoulder to lead her to a room for the night and Lieutenant Jee and the fire-lord carefully lead Alina back into the palace. Once they're in the tea/study of Alina's room Zuko bends down and looks at her face and he gently strokes the small cut on her neck. Alina gently touches his face her eyes unworried. Zuko pulls her to his chest and holds her close. "D...daaad" Alina's voice is soft and raspy Zuko gently holds her shoulders and looks into the girl's bright blue eyes and he grins. "Yes" he says softly pulling her to him once more.

They sit together on the futon and Alina drinks some tea while Zuko feeds Puni. After a while Alina is holding Puni who falls asleep and soon after Alina falls asleep too.

Zuko had gotten up to speak to someone about the girl and he returns to find his daughters asleep. He gently picks up Puni and carries her to her crib. Alina searches in her sleep for Puni and Zuko quickly goes to her and turns her onto her back and puts a blanket over her before staying with her until she settled back into a restful sleep...

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