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I close my eyes as the matron continues to yell.

Jokes on her I can't hear her..

She continues to speak and I wait keeping my eyes focused on her lips as she continues her tirade.

But this time is different. She grabs me by the shoulder and points upstairs. That's where my cot is..strange it isn't bedtime yet. She pushes me towards the stairs

With a shrug I go up the stairs and she points to my knapsack and I begin to pack it perhaps I've been adopted a surge of happinesses rushes through me and I begin to pack faster. She shoves an old jacket towards me and I put it on and put the hood up. It's a usual day in Scotland rainy...she grabs my wrist and brings me back downstairs. Through the entry way and towards the back door. 

Okay weird usually adoptive parents don't come this way..wait they never come this way.

She shoves me out the door and closes it behind her. I turn towards the door confused. I try to open it to no avail. I feel the pulsing of something within me...I back away from the door suddenly remembering the night before.

We must rid her of the evil inside of her. She's just like that horrible boy! Riddle was his name. She is nameless ...a freak. I'll get rid of the freak within her...

I look back at the old house and sigh before I begin to go down the road. I keep walking until I see a rundown shack.


I walk slowly over to it and open the door. Inside is a funnel and I keep walking until I come upon what appears to be a bedroom. The bed is large and the blankets covered with dust.

I take a look around the room and smile to myself.

This could work.

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