5 years

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Zuko paces back and forth in his office. Across from him is Sokka the chief of the southern water tribe. He looks down at the documents and he says "I can't believe they did this"

"Are you certain?" Zuko asks

The other teen simply nods. "It was my gran gran that told me. One of the lotus agents told her before they killed him" Zuko runs a hand through his hair.

"Your gran knew about her?"

"She was permitted to see her once a month. Sokka says his voice empty. "Apparently she is very clever and is prone to twitching as if someone is harming her. But they've started that with the new technology." Sokka says uncertainly.

"'New technology?" Zuko asks.

"One of the kids found it and brought it to me." Sokka takes something off his belt and slides it across the desk.

"What does it do?" Zuko asks.

"It's ..it's electricity they use it to control prisoners" a dark look enters Zuko's eyes.

"Where is she?"

"They won't tell me" Sokka says looking at his friend in concern.

Zuko turns away looking out the window.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be. How did this happen?"

"Power corrupts" Sokka says.

But Zuko wasn't expecting an answer. He runs a hand through his hair. "We need to find her she's just a kid...but...we can't let them know" Sokka nods. "Just us then?" Zuko looks at his oldest friend.

"Best to keep Aang out of it. It would break his heart." Zuko says softly.

"Yeah. I will get my people on it. You do the same" Zuko nods.

Darkness ...to light Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora