Chapter 45 : Tears

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Today is A new day. My eyes are puffy. I didn't want to talk to nobody not even My Bestfriend. I'm been feeling numb. I haven't been to work in days. I don't know if I'm feeling like going to work today.. My Mom have been checking on me. My Mom said "Ohhhhh Baby, Jesse's going to come back to you honey ". Me crying my eyes out again. I love Jesse so much... I think A little too much that I forgot about loving myself. It's time to love myself even though Jesse and I are friends now. His brother told me that Jesse is not taking it well that Me and Him are friends. He should know that it's time to love and focus on ourselves before getting into an relationship. My exes never came back around. I made sure that my exes were not in the picture at all. Him on the other hand I don't know..... All I'm saying is that we need to love and focus on ourselves. We need to make sure that no one is in the picture like AT ALL.
Anyways today is A Great Day. I got up out of my bed, took A shower, lotioned my body, put on my clothes, got my house and car keys, I went to work. I seen Jesse but I walked past him. I got settled into my office. Jesse came in my office with paperwork for me and we kept it professional. I told him "thanks.". Jesse said "You're welcome. Umm.. can I talk to you later if you don't mind??". I said " Yeah, I don't mind.". Jesse gave me that sweet smile and left my office. Me thinking to myself awww how I miss his smile. I'm on my way home from work and I get out of my car and locked my car door. I got up to my porch and I seen 2 dozen of purple roses. I picked up the roses and smiled. I opened my door, went in the house, locked my front door, sat the 2 Dozen of purple roses down and I read the note. The note reads : Hey Mariah. Even though we are friends, I will always send you your favorite color roses which is purple.
I always frame his notes . I literally frame his notes and letters that he write to me 🥹. He's A Wonderful friend. I read the second note and the second note reads : I'm going to take you out on A friend date. We're going to start over and take our time. This Saturday at 7:00 P.M. We're going to have our own picnic with our favorite food and snacks. I'll see you there Mariah❤️.
I smiled at the note I just read. Jesse is such A sweetheart 🥹. He will literally show effort and put in the work to know that I have his heart and he have mine 🥰. I feel so loved and reassured.
I ate dinner. I ate spaghetti and garlic bread. I washed dishes. I went upstairs, took A shower, lotioned my body, put on my pajamas and went to sleep.
About what he wanted to talk to me about earlier, We talked on the phone about it.

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