Chapter 44 : Are You Ready?

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Jesse called Me saying he wanted to talk to me. I'm just nervous. He came into the house and sat next to me. Jesse said "Are you sure you want to get married?". I looked at him and said "I quote don't know yet. The way you acted when I was just trying to simply talk to you. I don't know Jesse. How you act towards people isn't cool. Before you up and left to Maya's house, you literally yelled at me. I was just trying to help you with whatever you were going through. It's okay though I know who to help and who not to help. I just feel like you're using me and you're going to back with Maya. You knew that I was going to forgive you. Hmmm... let me think all this time since 9 A.M. you were with Maya?". He looked at me and said "Mariah. It wasn't like that.". I said "Jesse were you with Maya earlier?. I took you back and forgave you because I care about you Jesse. I never did it because I felt bad for you, I did it because I love and cared about you. Is this what "this" has come to??. I loved you no matter what!. Jesse said "Loved?".  I said "Yes Jesse loved. I told you EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING and for you it just goes in one ear and out of the other.". Jesse got up and said " Mariah I was not at Maya's house. Why would I be there?. I love you and only YOU! I would not do you like that Mariah.". I said with tears in my eyes "How do I know that Jesse? I expressed my love to you. I told you that you are my first love and first everything. When you felt how you felt, just packed up your stuff and left I was hurt. I cried for days. I never cry about anything like that. You were my first true love and now I don't know.". Jesse said " So are you saying that we should be friends??". I said "Yes Jesse that's exactly what I'm saying. We should be friends until you really know what you want.". Jesse said " Okay Mariah, I understand.". Jesse looked at me and said " I'll always love you and you will always be in my heart.". Jesse packed his stuff and went back into his house which is across the street.
I closed my door, locked my door. I went upstairs in my room, sat on my bed and cried my eyes out.

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