{17} Bromancing

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(Kryoz's P.O.V)

     Waking up, you could just tell that the day would be eventful. I heard rustling in the kitchen and the sun was beating my face in with how bright it is. I stretch my hands and comb them through my hair as a grin grew on my face. I was so excited (Y/N) would be experiencing this with me.

     As much as I am not a morning person, I rushed out of bed and to (Y/N)'s door. Knocking on it hard enough the sound will definitely wake her up. "Wake up Bitchass!" After a couple moments i furrowed my brow, there wasn't a single noise. 

     "I hate to do this (Y/N)...but there's no other choice." I started pounding the door as fast and as loud as I could. Using random beats just to make it more annoying. I'm a patient person I swear. 

     "(Y/N) wake u-AHHH!" I scream loudly as someone jumps into my vision. I swat my hands at the figure, missing every time, but my expression softens once I realize who it was.

     "Really?" (Y/N) says, hands on hips and looking entertained. "I've been awake for an hour, I'm glad I woke up before that." (Y/N) says, laughing as I put my heart on my chest, my back to the door and slid down to the floor. 

     "Fuck you." I say, getting my breath back, but as soon as I came too my mouth fell open. "Wait...So you mean to tell me (Y/N), MY (Y/N), the (Y/N) that I know inside and out, really woke up before me and CHOSE to go and socialize? Again- WITHOUT ME!" I say shocked.

     "Uhhh. Yep, yes exactly that." She says jokingly. Behind the jokes I could tell she was proud of herself. The way she stood just showed she was trying to hold back excitement. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, spinning her in a circle. She off course started kicking her legs and squealing in excitement. 

     "Can you believe it?!" She says happily as I set her down. 

     "Nothing about it makes any sense in my mind but (Y/N) I'm so proud of you."

     "Come on! The boys were started to plan out who's doing what in the day." She says, yanking me to the kitchen.

     "Hey John." Scotty laughs, "I don't know who screamed louder, you or Jaren." 

     "I'm sorry my best friend suddenly grew balls. I thought she was camped out in her room like always."

     "Doesn't matter. You still sounded like a pussy." Wildcat smirked while Vanoss held his hand in the air to get him to high five him.

     "Well I like pussy anyway, but is everyo-"

     "Sure ya do." Panda says under his breath, making the room break into hysterics. "Speaking of which, where is Smii7y? I think we are just missing him."

     "That fucker always oversleeps every morning of the fourth to get out of it. I'll make sure he comes down." I say. Before I go I turn towards (Y/N). Before I even start to speak she slaps her hand over my mouth. 

     "I know you'll be right back and I'll be completely fine by myself. Thank you John" You couldn't see but my mouth flew open. I lick her hand and she pulls away in disgust. 

     "You son of a Bitch." I send her a big smile, making her laugh but ultimately I ruffle her hair and head off to the stairs to get Jaren. 

     Deciding against a elaborate wake up call I just bust into his room. Of course he's sprawled over his bed, deep sleeping. 

     "Wake up." I say, shoving him harshly. He jolts awake and glares. 

     "Fuck off." He mumbles, grabbing the sheets and throwing them over himself. 

     "Everyone's downstairs waiting for you."

     "It's the Fourth Jackass, we need to make plans and you aren't getting out of them this time. Now wake up before I pull you down there in just your boxers."


     "I bet (Y/N) will love to see this." I say, going to grab him by his feet. Instead he sprung out of bed and made his way to the bathroom without another word. I smirk and head down to the party. "He is coming. Just needed to be threatened a bit."

     "Well I guess we will start planning and he can join whenever. I need some people to go order sonic for everyone, someone to go get beers, and someone to blow up water balloons."

     "Can I do the water balloons!" (Y/N) says, jumping up excitedly. Tyler smiles and nods, writing her name down. 

     "Throw me and Smii7y on that too. I don't think he wants to leave the house judging by how lazy he is this morning." I say. 

"Ok perfect. Then need a couple people on sonic and beers. We also need to-"

     We planned out the whole day leading up to the main event. Me, (Y/N) and Smii7y had decorating and outdoor activities, Scotty and Panda had to get the Sonic and buy snacks for the rest of the day, and Tyler and Evan get the alcohol and any other drinks needed for tonight. As soon as everything is planned that's when Jaren chose to emerge.

     "We just got done. I told you to hurry and you still take 10 minutes?" I laugh. 

     "I needed to shower and I didn't want my hair wet." He sasses back. "Everything's planned?"

     "Yes just like every year." Tyler jokes, sliding the paper over the counter.

     "We got put on water balloons!" (Y/N) says excitedly, pointing to our names on the list. 

     "I guess I didn't need to dry my hair then..." Jaren says, laughing and running a hand through his hair subconsciously. 

     "How about after we play with the water balloons I can shower with you, because for some reason you didn't invite me the first time, dumb whore." 

     He just stares at me with a blank face, but his lower lip trembled as he tries not to entertain my joking. 

     "You disappoint me." Smii7y says, hanging his head and walking outside. 

     "I can completely understand why the audience thinks you guys are dating. You guys pull stunts like that all the time, and now I know it's not just on camera or over the internet."

     "Wanna see something even cooler?" She nods intrigued. "Smii7y!"

     He peaks his head back in and I immediately held up my fingers and counted down. He obviously joined me, a smile growing on his face. 

     "You have bear fists?"
     "You have bear fists?"

     "God I love you." I say, throwing my best loving face on. 

     "Shut up and kiss me." Jaren says and I instantly chase after him, my lips leading the way. "NO NO NO IM KIDDING IM KIDDING!"

NEW CHAPTER. I WROTE IT ALL OF TODAY! FIRST TIME WRITING ON SINCE I STARTED THIS YEARS AGO. I honestly have so much passion with this book. Again, it's because you guys are all SO supportive in the comments. I can't believe the support. Thank you again. 

(1178 Words)

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