{19} Captured in Light

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CHAPTER NINETEEN - Captured in Light

(Smii7y's P.O.V)

     "Oh my god (Y/N), I am so sorry!" I say, running over to her. She stood there in shock as water rained down, making a puddle beneath her.  "John what the hell?!" 

     "I warned yuh~" He says with a wink whilst walking away, "Next time be more quiet when discussing your plans, dumb fuck."

     I shake his comment off and focus on (Y/N). "Are you okay?"

     "Nice shot," She chuckles, wiping water from her face. 

     "You're soaked." I frown, concerned. 

     "That's what h-happens when you get hit in the face with a water balloon J-Jaren." she teases, "I am totally okay though, t-thanks for checking."

     As i looked back into the crowd, the water balloon war had transitioned into catching games. The sun begins going down and it casted a golden glow over the yard. And let me just say, It captured (Y/N) perfectly. 

     While everyone else had their chance to bask in the sun and dry off, (Y/N) just stands there, her clothes clinging to her damp skin, as she shivers in the cooling breeze. "Stay here. I'll be right back." I say, running into the house. Racing to my room, I grab the comfiest towel I could find and my own fluffy blanket. 

     Returning to her side, I offer her the towel first, watching as she murmurs a quiet "thank you" and wraps herself up in it. The sight of her bundled up tugs at my heartstrings,  she is precious. I shake those nerves off and hand her my blanket. 

     "The fireworks should be starting soon. Hopefully this can warm you up before then?" I say uncertain.

     "You're v-very sweet. They will, t-thank you," she says, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "I w-would offer a hug, but I'll wait until I'm d-dry to do that."

     "I'll hold you to that," I reply, unable to contain my warm smile. "Let's go get a good spot before the boys steal them all." With a surge of determination, I take her hand, leading her back to the porch. 

     I focus straight ahead, resisting the urge to look back, knowing that my nervousness would be written all over my face. Instead, I focus on the warmth of her hand in mine, heading towards a cozy spot to watch the sunset and prepare for the fireworks.

     "Smit over here!" John says, gesturing for us to come over. 

     As we reach the spot, I subtly let go of her hand, hoping to avoid drawing any attention to it, mainly from John.

     "Sit here. Tyler told me this would be the best spot. Should fit all three of us," John says, indicating the spot next to him. I sit down towards one side, allowing (Y/N) to sit in the middle. 

     "Eww you're so wet." John complains as (Y/N) sat down.

     "Thanks to you! You'll have to deal." She smiles softly, looking at the ground. 

     "Your partner over there was talking quite loudly. My actual plan was to dodge both of you and have your water balloons hit each other, but you're too slow."

     "And you're sure this wasn't for content." I say, raising my eyebrows. 

     "Not for anything posted on youtube." John says. 

Mutual Friend (Smii7y X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora