{14} Just Keep Talking

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Just Keep Talking

(Smii7y P.O.V)

Talking to her today was all too surreal. All the questions I asked John throughout all these years, that he always denied answering, she got to answer today! IN PERSON! It took her awhile, which was totally okay. Stammering a lot through her sentences. I could tell she was embarrassed but I assured her that it's okay.

"God! I'm so s-sorry for s-stuttering so much. I'm really t-trying not too," She says, laughing at herself but sighs sadly.

"(Y/N), I think it's adorable. You don't need to apologize, really." I say giving her a big grin and she gives one back, contagiously.

"T-than-...Fuck! Thank you, SmIi7Y." She says, now happily laughing through her stutters. I thought I was stupid for developing a crush on her from just a couple of photos. And of course her sweet laugh through recordings. But...now I'm head over heels for her and it hasn't even been a day.

"Okay everyone! Hope you had fun with our first retreat of the weekend!" Tyler says, as others cheer around me. I look to see people gathering their things and Tyler twirling his keys around in his hand.

"Wait what?" I ask, looking around very confused and (Y/N) giggles.

"Golfing is over. We are going home. Get over it." John says nudging me then grabs me by my hoodie and begins to pull me out of the chair.

"What the hell John!?" I say, annoyed.

"Talk more at the house!" (Y/N) laughs, waving as she watches me get dragged away.

"John, let go for one second?" I ask and he gives in. I ran over to (Y/N) and pull her into another hug. I couldn't believe she is here right now. She laughed softly in shock and I felt my heart flutter. We pulled apart and before I could start another conversation, John started to pull me away again. "BYE (Y/N)!"

"Bye Smii7y!"

John dragged me over to where Scotty was and finally let go. "John! She is here?!"

"Yeah. I invited her."

"You didn't think to tell me?!"

"You didn't like the surprise?" I quick punch him in the arm before pulling him into a big hug.

"What the fuck was that?!" John says, Scotty just bursting out laughing beside us.

"Thank you John!"

"My god calm the fuck down." John says laughing at me but accepts the hug.

"Thank you so much!" I say again. My smile never leaves my face.

"You're welcome." He say as he hugs me back.

He turns to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I know you'll start to deny it but...I know you like her."

"Wait b-but I-"

"Jaren. You like her." Scotty says, and I let out a deep sigh, avoiding eye contact.

"You know how much I trust you, right? You're like family to me, and so is she. I trust you both completely, in every way. But if you do date her there's something I need you to promise, something really important."

I nod and listen intently. I've never seen him so serious.

"She's my best friend, and you're my best friend too. And I know you'd never intentionally hurt her, but she's... she's fragile, you know? It takes a lot for her to open up and trust people. So, please, promise me you'll be gentle with her, with everything you do."

"I promise John." I smile, "I will and would never try to hurt her." I say, frowning thinking about how I had already made her cry. But as soon as I did all I wanted to do was make her smile.

"I know that, I'm sorry. I trust you more then anyone else in the world. Just the thought of anyone hurting..." he looks at the ground, taking some deep breaths. "It scares me. She has had people in her life treat her like shit and all I want to do is confront them."

"and I'd help you beat them up." I say and he smiles.

"You have my trust smit."

"Thank you so much John."

Eventually the uber pulls up and we start the drive home. My leg bounces from excitement just knowing I will get to see her once we get there. "Thank you, John." I blurt out again, sounding like a broken record.

"You're welcome. Now shut the fuck up." John says and we all break out in laughter

We arrive home seeing everyone has already gone inside. I hop out of the car and sprint into the house. Of course stopping at the front door to make it look like I didn't just race to the door like an idiot.

I open it up seeing everyone sitting on the couch. I didn't see (Y/N) though. I start to pick up my pace, taking my shoes off and planning on searching the house when all of a sudden I get shoved forward. I scream loudly before smiling at the laughter that now comes from above me.

"GOTCHA!" (Y/N) yells as I regained my balance with her on my back. All of the boys laugh as she hops off, face flushed red as her hand points to the boys. "IT W-WAS THEIR IDEA N-NOT MINE!" She says swiftly and runs to John. I smile contagiously, my cheeks heating up and butterflies fly freely in my stomach. That girl is going to be the death of me.

I walk to the living room sporting the biggest smile I've probably ever had. "Someone looks lovestruck." Anthony whispers to me when i sat down next to him.

"Shut up asshole." I say nonchalantly but the smile never leaves my face.

"Smit you literally screamed like a girl!" Tyler says, watching his phone.

"You recorded that?!" Tyler nods as people gather around, I hear my scream and the room bursts out laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to people jumping me as soon as I get in a door." I defend myself, but instead of sympathy, my explanation only seems to fuel the laughter, making the room erupt even more.

it eventually calmed down.

"SO! Smit, how did you do in golf?" Scotty asks, raising his eyebrows up and down. "I recall you said you were going to beat me."

"Shut upppp." I groan, knowing where this was heading.

"I guess you can say you got distracted...I thought you were going to play golf because 'what else would you do at a golf place' Smit?" He mocks. I rolled my eyes but smiled. Touché.

"Well I guess you were right. Find a trophy or something." I say, banting back at him. It was all in good fun as always. Our conversation gets interrupted by Wildcat.

"Well, anyone awake enough to come to the store with me? I need to get some food and fireworks for tomorrow." Wildcat says.

"I will!" I volunteer, anything to get me out of this dog piling situation. Tyler nods and looks around for others. Evan, John, and (Y/N) all decided they would come.

"Ok BOIS let's head out!" We all head walk outside and pile into the car. Tyler and Evan sat in front and (Y/N) sat in the middle of me and John.

"CUZ BABY YOU'RE A FIIIIREWORK!" John starts screeching. I join in and it got to a point where Tyler turns up the music to almost deafening as he tries to drown out John and I. I look over at (Y/N) who as tears in her eyes. I panicked for just a second before I realized she was trying to catch her breath from laughing so hard. I sang even louder.

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(1283 words)

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