Endo Kyou pt.3

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 He could've easily been the second option. He was thinking too much about this, again. The doorbell rang, and he could hear the door opening and then closing.

He looked around the room frantically checking for anything amiss in a moment of shock before his eyes landed on sunglasses, not that it was his goal but he put them on just in case. Maybe he could trick himself into thinking these were like VR or something. Luckily Minoru's hair was black and not crazy like light green or Pink. Minoru knocked on Kyou's door before opening it, he was taller than him by a head and a half.

"Ah, what up?" Kyou said sheepishly, still in his school clothes if a little rumpled.

"What's with the glasses?" Minoru cocked a black eyebrow up.

"Um, it's the new style don't you know?" Minoru smirked at his response.

"Are you finally doing drugs?" his smirk grew bigger, leaning onto the door frame. Oh, gosh, the horror. Kyou frantically put his arms in the air in a mockery of a wimpish shonen character.

"Oh, gosh no!" He jumped up from his bed, quickly grabbed his phone, and passed Minoru, gently bumping into him on purpose.

"No, never!" he declared going down the stairs, Minoru following behind him.

"Oh, really because that would explain this morning..." Minoru prompted. Kyou clenched his teeth, he didn't need a reminder, especially when compared to drugs.

"Let's not talk about it," he said calmly, a huge contrast to his prior enthusiasm. He reached for his wallet on the counter on his way to the entrance and looked at the time.

"Ugh, too bad I can't get food for my brother," He complained, it looked like Lunch was almost over.

"Yeah, too bad, too bad Hirabayashi-san will spoon-feed him." Ah, there it was. Finally the subtle griping of Kishino Minoru, hopelessly pining for Madoka. He almost Guffawed. As Endo Kyou he knew something was up between the three but as Endo Kyou and extra memories, this was the only thing he was happy about, to have his suspicions confirmed. He shouldn't have laughed but he did.

"Why are you laughing?" Minoru asked petulantly. Kyou only laughed harder.

"Never mind, let's just go get food," Minoru pushed Kyou to the side lightly and opened the door to the outside world.

"You're paying" he huffed and walked away expecting Kyou to follow.

"Of course," Kyou said boisterously after him.

Kyou came home late, not that his brother would mind. He had worn his sunglasses all day, leading to a misunderstanding of substance abuse from Minoru. The glasses did work giving a sense of security, he was bound to keep them on himself in the future. During the outing with Minoru he was given time to think about the situation. That's what he and Minoru usually did, sit in silence, the only one rambling or making noise would usually be him. This time it was different though, Minoru was the one talking and he was the one brooding. Not that Minoru talking was as rambunctious as him.

Some of the plot was fuzzy, the majority of the memories he gained were just vague sensations and feelings. The ones that he could see, and grasp the concept of, were enough to set him into a day of contemplation, so he wasn't complaining.

He had looked at Minoru and couldn't believe that within the next year, he and Minoru would be in a sexual relationship. One where Minoru would let go of his frustrations and one that would warp their friendship. Sure, from an entertainment perspective, it was a messy drama all around but this was his friend. 

Isekai dumpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora