chapter 20

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 At the Gilbert's house

Elena drove her car to her house

They all three got out of the house

Elena: I'm nervous

Jeremy: Elena don't be I told him you were at Bonnie's house for a few hours

Elena: ok

Elena held Stefan's hand

They walked into the house

John: there she is

Elena: hi Uncle John sorry I got caught up at Bonnie's house

John: it's ok who is this?

Stefan: I'm Stefan Elena's new boyfriend

John: well I'm john

Jenna Lip said I'm sorry for Elena

John: I heard Ally went off to college

Elena: yep it's been a bit weird with her gone now

John: so Stefan are you from town?

Stefan: I moved to town recently I  live with my uncle Zach at the boarding house

John: Zach is back in town?

Stefan: for a bit, he was traveling

John: oh ok

Jeremy: anyone up to watch a movie

John: I want to sit and chat and catch up with everyone

Elena was worried

Jeremy could tell it

John: Elena what's wrong?

Elena: nothing

Jenna: why don't we go out to eat?

John: sure

Elena texts her friends the warning about john

Tyler dang it you need help yet?

Elena no we are fine so far but something about him seems off

Bonnie, do I need to make a new ring for Stefan?

Elena Bonnie can you bring it to the grill i have a feeling John will notice the ring

Stefan thanks bonnie

Bonnie be careful please

Tyler we can go to the grill in case he acts up again we can just dip all at once

Caroline one issue

Elena what?

Caroline is the hard you drink the mixed drink yet

Elena no dang it I forgot about that

John: Elena can you please put your phone away

Elena got to go

Elena put her phone away

Jeremy took out his phone Caroline he has not drunk the mixed drink yet but I will deal with it

Care ok

Tyler see you at the grill

John: before we go to the grill I want all of you to try this drink I made

Elena: ok

John went into the kitchen

Jeremy: I'm gonna head to my room to grab something real quick

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