chapter 23

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At the Gilbert's house

They all showed up at the house

Jenna: what are all of you doing here?

Elena: it's hard to explain but Dad hid something big in the house

Bonnie: it's in the small library

In the small library

Bonnie: can you guys move the shelf?

The guys moved the shelves out of the way

Bonnie: there should be a keyhole somewhere

Elena: I don't see it

Zach: Bonnie asks if it's on this wall

Bonnie: it's on this wall for sure

Jenna: let's clean the wall then we might find it

Jenna left to get cleaning supplies

Elena was scared

Stefan could feel she was

Jeremy: Bonnie can you ask Dad what he hid behind the wall?

Bonnie: that's not how this works i can't ask a question yet I can feel the rest of the ghost at times. I can say some of what I hear but not all of it. If say all of it bad things happend but this is super important to the family and friends of you guys. So this is the only time I can say a lot.

Elena: so I can't find out if they approve or not?

Bonnie: that is something I can't say Elena sorry

Elena got upset a bit

Stefan hugs her

Jenna: I'm back with cleaning supplies

Jenna cleaned the wall off a bit

Jenna: it's the best I can do

Bonnie: can I have the keys?

Elena hands Bonnie the keys

Bonnie unlocked the door

It was another room

Elena: woah

Bonnie: there is something in here that you need to find and give to John. there is something in here for all of you guys as well. Im not exactly sure what it is.

in the backup room 

They all walked into the room a bit more 

Elena found her thing.

Ally found her thing

Jenna found hers

Jeremy found his

Ally: the books will come back with us

Bonnie: one of those books goes to john

Ally: what one?

Bonnie: not sure I can't feel him anymore

Zach: well there is a way can figure it out show john all the books to see what happens.

Bonnie: the one with the green and gold goes to John

Zach: Are you sure?

Bonnie: he came back to tell me that. The other ones can go to the boarding house for you to read.

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