Chapter 9

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At Mystic Falls High School

All the guests and the students are in their seats

The principal walks across the stage to where the stand is at

Some of the staff are sitting in chairs

The staff stands up when the principal starts saying the names of the students who graduated today.

The students moved their tales to the other side when the students on the stage did.

They waited for their names to be called to get their diplomas

After they got them they went to take their seats to wait for the rest of the principal speech. After the speech, he told them they could tosed their caps up

Ally went to find her family and

Ally: Zach you made it

Zach: I told you I was going to be here.

Ally: I know but I thought you had more protein things to attend to

Zach: I'm only here for two days then I'm gone again

Damon: ok

Elena: we ready to head back to the house before the party

Jenna: I want some more pictures then we can go

They took some more pictures then they headed back to the house

At the Gilbert house

Elena: I can't believe you did it ally

Ally: me too honestly

Damon: I got you something

Damon gave her a bag

Ally looked into the bag

Ally: I love it does that mean you have a motorcycle?

Damon: yeah I'm not the only one with one

Ally: come again?

Damon: Stefan has one to

Ally: you did tell us until now?

Stefan: well Elena found it a few days ago I also have an Impala that  works

Damon: I forgot about that Stefan

Stefan: like you forgot about the Camaro

Damon: oh yeah I did

Stefan: no worries it is still your welcome

Damon: Thanks

There was a knock at the door

Meredith: hey

Bonnie: hi

Elena: hey bonnie

Some of their other friends show up


Alice: so Elena is gonna still be on the Cheer squad this coming year?

Elena: yeah I will be

Tyler: what is our plan for senior year

Elena: pass all my classes

Stefan heads back inside

Zach: we need to talk big-time

Stefan: tomorrow please give the girls tonight

Zach: fine but are you back to drinking blood bags yet?

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