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They say failure is a character-building experience, but they haven't seen my eyes when failure knocks me down and punches my belly until I can't breathe. You can recognize it if you look at me, it makes my eyes stay red for days.
When it gets harder to get up and even my mom can't cheer me up. When sleep is the only thing that makes you feel good, there's probably something missing in your life.

Failure has always been a constant in my life, it's always around every corner I turn.
It hides in every dark spot it finds just to scare me when I feel more comfortable.
And everytime it finds me, it asks me lots of questions: why are you doing this when you aren't good at it? Why don't you leave it? Why don't you give up? Don't you see that they will always be better than you? Are you going to fail your whole life? Can't you see that the future you used to see has already vanished? When will you stop living a life you don't belong to?

And I would like to say it has made me bolder and stronger, but I can't.

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