Not your baby *Chris Motionless*

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This one's a little short but here we go.

"Hey baby." Chris had greeted his girlfriend as he walked onto the bus. She was cuddled up into a ball on the couch with her blanket.
"I'm not your baby anymore."  She sniffled as Chris noticed her eyes full of tears. He tried to quickly think through the day to see what he had done but came up with nothing as he crossed the space and leaned down infront of her.
"You're always my baby. What's the matter, huh?" He used a soft tone with her as he reached for her hand but she pulled back. She shook her head, lip quivering as more tears fell down her face. Chris's heart broke but he knew he was going to have to be firm with her to figure out what was going on.
"Talk to me, kitten. What's wrong? What happened?" He was patient as he waited for an answer but after minutes she hadn't said anything. "Baby." He spoke in a warning tone before returning to his softer voice. "You have to talk to me, I can't fix this if I don't know what's going on. What happened?"
"You." She glared at him before hiding her face in her blanket.
"Baby, we're not doing this. If the issue is me than I need to know what I did. Talk. To. Me." He tried his hardest not to get frustrated. He knew how hard it was for her to talk about her problems because of past trauma.
"You don't want me." She spoke, her voice breaking. The lightbulb went off above Chris' head as he was sure he realized what this was all from.
"Are you talking about my conversation with Justin earlier?" He asked, pulling her blanket away from her face and reaching for her hand. She pulled herself away from him but he was patient. He was positive his assumption was right, so even without an answer he explained himself.
"I didn't say I didn't want you. I said that I thought it would be best if we sent you home from tour since it's almost over and you've seemed to not be enjoying it the last couple of weeks. I never once said I didn't want you."
"Same thing."
"No baby. Not the same thing. I'm trying to take care of you and keep you happy. We have five dates left on this tour and then we're all going home. I'd be back with you before you know it but I'm not going to make you stay here when I can tell you're not enjoying it anymore.
And no, I'm not mad. If you don't want to be here, then you don't have to be. I wouldn't be upset just because you need to go home." He explained before it could even come up. He knew she was always scared of upsetting him or making him mad even though he never did. He was patient with her. Afterall he was her bestfriend for years while she was in the past relationship that had caused all of her trauma. She just needed someone to be patient with her and help her through it all.
"But you want me gone." The tears came back and he sat down on the empty spot of the couch before taking her into his arms and pulling her close.
"I want you to be happy. While I would love to have you by my side all of the time, I have to consider your feelings and what you want. Be honest, are you having fun on tour or are you burnt out?"
When she stayed quiet and didn't protest to stay he knew the answer.
"I love you baby. I'd never want you gone. You're my everything, Kitten. You know that. I just have to put you first right now and I know you'd be happier at home. That's it."
"No. No buts." He spoke sternly. "What you heard, you misunderstood. You're always my baby, okay?"

Motionless in White One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ