Night out *Chris Motionless*

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*AU kinda* I'm aware of Chris' straightedge status, but in this story he's drinking. Just pretend.

As she sat in her seat at the bar her partner returned from the bathroom, taking his spot back next to her.
"You're so quiet baby." He spoke, making an observation as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. She wasn't dragged here, she had wanted to come but she was just being unusually quiet. He had a feeling he knew the reason and if he was right then it would pass with time.
When the bartender came around he ordered another drink for himself, as well as his girl and struck up conversation with his brother who sat on the opposite side of him from the girl.
It had been Alex's idea to go out and get drinks, and after a long week Chris was more than happy to. And as far as Nessa went, she and Chris were almost always a package deal. Alex and Chris talked about how their weeks had went and vented to each other. Alex wasn't exactly having a great time with his relationship and it was weighing heavy on him.
At some point Alex had went to the restroom, leaving the couple by themselves.
"Do you want to go home love?" Chris asked as he put his arms around her. She leaned into his touch and shook her head 'no'. "Then what's the matter?" His voice was soft as she melted into him. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable.
"I'm just shy I guess." She shrugged, causing him to let out a small laugh.
"Its just my brother, baby. But I get it." It was exactly what he had suspected. She always took time to warm up to new people and she had only been around him a time or two in passing.
As she finished her second drink Chris pushed it to the edge of the counter so the bartender knew to make another. He kissed the top of her head before leaning back in his seat.
Alcohol definitely helped her to be more social, but it also always ended up making her tired so he knew it wouldn't be a long night. But he wasn't complaining. Being wrapped up in each others arms at home sounded amazing and he looked foward to it. But for now he had offered his brother their time and he wasn't going to bail on him. He was going through alot.
Once Alex had came back and they started talking about the relationship, Chris ended up dragging his girlfriend into it for a female perspective on things which helped ease her nerves a bit. Chris knew she wasn't the type to insert herself into others conversations.. but dragging her into one usually worked.
The night continued on and five drinks in Nessa was on Chris's lap, leaning her back against his chest as she sunk into him. She tried her hardest to keep a grip on herself and not out their type of relationship but all she wanted was to have her daddy to herself.
"What kitten?" Chris whispered in her ear after she had let out a quiet whine. She buried her face in his neck as his grip tightened on her. She was most definitely feeling the alcohol by now. She was always babied but the urge to push her a bit was tempting. "I don't know what you want." He smirked, although it wasn't the truth. Another whine was cut off as his tone became a bit more strict.
"Want to go home." She mumbled, her voice quiet as she spoke against his skin.
"Then what do we do when we want something?"
"Please." She knew at this point that she was going to have to ask in order to get what she wanted.
"Baby." He spoke disapprovingly.
"I want to go home please daddy." Her face was surely red as she tried to slyly glance at Alex to make sure he wasn't playing any attention to them.
"Was that hard kitten?" Chris mused before finishing his drink and letting Alex know that they would be heading out soon.
"She's exhausted." He reasoned. Alex understood and by now he had felt better about everything. Maybe it was the 7 beers and 3 shots he had downed or maybe it was talking about things and getting it off of his chest. Either way, he was okay in the moment. As Chris and Nessa stood, she protested against having to stand.
"Daddy can't carry you right now, baby. You've gotta be a big girl for me." He kissed her head, taking her hand in his. Besides, she didn't want the attention it would've caused.
As they headed out to the car, Chris reached over and took her hand in his as they drove. One glance over told him that she was past exhausted.
"You can fall asleep Kitty. Daddy can carry you in." He spoke softly as she laid her head back against the seat.
By the time they pulled up in the driveway the girl was out like a light. He chuckled to himself before getting her out of the car and carrying her in. It was easier said than done, considering he had to unlock to door on their way in but he managed.
He headed straight to their room and layed her on the bed, taking her shoes off next and gently undressing her before pulling the covers over her body and getting himself ready for bed.
He was happy to have her by his side, and nights like this made him appreciate it that much more.

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