Lili de Rochefort SFW Alphabet

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This is the last request I'll be doing for a while, as I have a lot of other things that I'm working on at the moment. Hope you enjoy this!

This was requested by a Wattpad user.

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Lili is super affectionate! Whenever she greets you, she always kisses both of your cheeks. At first, you just thought it was a stereotypical French thing, but later on, you learned that it was just because she really liked you. Lili also loves resting her hand on your shoulder, your face, or your own hand, and when you walk together, she'll hold your hand and stick by your side. She just loves being physically close to you-even the most subtle of gestures fills her with joy. Oh, and if you do something nice for her, expect to be smothered with kisses and wrapped into a bone-crushing hug (Salt is not jealous of you). Lili doesn't care whether you're by yourselves or among others; you're her darling and nothing will change how much affection she gives you.

B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

You know that one preppy, rich girl that's in every high school dramedy? That's Lili to a T. As a best friend, she'd gossip to you about everything. From school troubles to new grains in the rumor mill, there isn't one thing Lili won't weave into conversation. She'd also want to do everything with you, from going shopping to seeing movies to having the best sleepovers ever. If she's bored and has nothing to do, she'll probably video chat with you just to have someone to talk to. When it comes to folks she likes to hang out with, you're second to none. It's miraculous that you've managed to become friends with her in the first place, given how picky she is. She's dramatic, overexaggerated, and often pokes fun at you when she feels like it, but she's incredibly loyal and cares so much about you. Your friendship would probably start at the mall, with her complimenting you (which is rare for her) and giving you style tips in a way that doesn't sound derogatory for once.

C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)

To comfort you, she'll hug you, run her fingers through your hair, and softly console you, saying whatever she thinks will make you feel better. When it comes to comforting, it's kind of a 50/50 shot with Lili. Sometimes, her method works wonders and it seems like she knows exactly what to say. Other times, she'll accidentally come off as sarcastic, or what she's saying will sound shallow and rehearsed. In all honesty, Lili doesn't always know what she's doing, which can really frustrate her. She likes being in control of the situation, and when she doesn't know what to do, especially when you're experiencing emotional turmoil, she panics. Over time, Lili will eventually learn how to feel things out and respond straight from the heart, rather than overthinking and saying what she thinks is best. Now when the roles are reversed, it's a different story. Lili loves to be pampered, and when she needs comforting, that increases tenfold. Give her whatever she wants, whether it be a snack or a kiss on the cheek, and give her the gushiest compliments you can think of. If she has anything she wants to rant about, listen. Don't give her advice-just hear her out and be attentive.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

Lili hasn't really thought about settling down, especially since she lives in a million-dollar mansion with a butler to tend to her every whim. She's never had to cook or clean a day in her life, as she's always had servants to do it for her. So, if you guys ever settle down together, good luck-Lili barely knows anything. In terms of cooking, she only knows how to bake, and even then, she only does it for rare occasions. If you can cook, that's great, but if you can't, then you guys are gonna have to survive off of baked goods until one of you learns how. In terms of cleaning, Lili will probably ask you to do all of it for her, as she doesn't want to ruin any of her nice clothes with dirt, dust, or cleaning chemicals.

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