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(AN, I am sorry. Enjoy. Question of the day, who is your least favorite main character? Self-harm trigger warning ahead. Also sorry for delayed updates, life got really hectic. Also, Hayden will get really dark soon, just as a warning.)

"Hello, Theo," I replied staring off the astronomy tower.

"Don't jump without me," Theo jokes, sitting next to me.

"You got it didn't you?" I asked him, not yet looking at him.

"My father is so proud that I am following in the family's footsteps of becoming a fucking murder," Theo replied, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"What is the task?" I asked him softly, placing my hand on his. 

"I have the most impossible task ever. Killing fucking McGonagle," Theo spat out before taking a puff.

"Is that even possible," I whispered.

"Even if morally, it didn't make me want to puke to kill such an incredible woman, I don't think I could. She is the best witch that has ever walked the face of this planet. And then they tell a fifteen-year-old boy to fucking take her out," Theo growled, taking another hit. 

"We can help you hide," I offered. 

"If I don't do this, or die trying, they will send Kyra's to Blaise's manor. He refused the mark. So, to punish us both, she will kill his mum," Theo told me, finally looking at me, "My task is so difficult because I am trying to buy Blaise's forgiveness."

"You shouldn't have to save everyone," I whispered softly.

"Says you. How's the wrist healing?" Theo asked me. 

"They scarred. I can add it to the ugly collection," I said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. 

"Mattheo would kill me if he saw me let you light that," Theo told me. 

"He no longer has a say in what I do," I reply before inhaling the smoke and coughing it out.

 Theo patted my back as I took another hit, coughing significantly less the second time then the first. 

"Is it over?" Theo asked me, lighting his second of the night.

"I bet you are happy," I spat out, "Proof I made the wrong choice."

"The way I acted made him the only choice," Theo told me, "And I wanted to see you happy. Not here smoking."

"I want to relapse," I told him honestly. 

"Because of him?" Theo asked me.

"I messed up. I am the reason we are fighting. This is another reminder that I am just a fuck up," I replied, taking the last hit of the cigarette. 

"You aren't a fuck up," Theo told me. 

"I am off my meds," I replied. 

"You need back on those. But it doesn't mean you are a fuck up. You are navigating one hell of a mental disorder. There will be bumps, and Mattheo has to be okay with that," Theo told me. 

"I no longer care about him. I feel like he wronged me and now I no longer give a shit. Am I a bad person?" I asked Theo, staring into his brown eyes.

"You could never be a bad person," he said staring into my eyes. 

Theo tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and started to lean in. I leaned in too and pressed my lips against his. My hands went to his hair, pulling slightly; his hands went to my waist, pulling me into him. Our tongues started to dance together, the taste of cigarette and mint. His woodsy cologne was now intoxicating as I slipped a hand under his shirt.

"This is a bad idea," Theo told me.

"I keep making them, at least this one will be fun," I responded against his lips, and he helped me take his shirt off. 


Theo pushed me against the wall, pinning me to it as we continued to make out. His fingers slipped under my skirt and started to rub circle on my clit. I moaned into his kiss as I bucked my hips into him, pulling a groan from him. I dropped down to my knees and pulled his pants down. His dick came out, and I licked my lips. 

"Is this, okay?" I asked Theo, desperately wanting him. 

"More than okay," he told me, as I took my cock down my throat. 

"Oh shit, good girl," Theo told me, making me instantly weak.

I continued to bob back and forth on his cock, his hands in my hair, tugging as groans of pleasure fall from his lips. He continued to praise me as I made him feel good. As I felt his salty seed go into my mouth a third voice was heard. 

"What the hell Nott!" Mattheo shouted. 

Theo quickly pulled his pants up and turned to Mattheo, "You two aren't together." 

"It's been an hour!" Mattheo yelled. 

"You let her go!" Theo shouted, pulling me into him. 

"You are a slut," Mattheo told me. 

"You are a dick," I replied harshly, leaning into Theo. 

"She's hypersexual and off her meds, and you are taking advantage of it," Mattheo spat, "And you. Hayden, I thought we respected each other more than this. How would you feel if I fucked someone else!" Mattheo shouted.

"I wouldn't give a damn," I replied honestly, "I don't give a damn what you do." 

"You are a heartless bitch," Mattheo said before turning and leaving. 

"You okay, Hay?" Theo asked me. 

"Let's continue," I said shakily.

"Are you sure. I don't want to take advantage of you," Theo told me. 

"You aren't. Don't listen to Mattheo. All I want right now is you."

I don't care if it hurts him.

Why don't I even care that I hurt him, even I know this isn't a normal reaction. 

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