Stay Away

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(AN, mentions of sexual assault ahead. read at your own caution. question of the day, what ship are you hoping to see more of?)

"This reminds me of our childhood," Harry said, swinging on the swing.

"This reminds me of the good parts. I was always able to swing higher than you," I giggled, swinging just slightly higher than him.

"We are older now. I want a rematch," Harry told me, a confident smirk on his face.

"You are on," I told him, starting to swing harder.

We started swinging higher and higher, laughing as we tried to go higher. At one point I went so high that I flipped over the swing. I let out a squeal and Harry laughed at me so hard he fell from his swing. I slumped to the ground, laughing hard myself. Every time we looked up to each other, we laughed even harder. Our faces were red and our stomachs hurt. This was pure joy. 

"Well, well, well. Look who the storm blew in," the voice of Dudley sounded. 

"What do you want?" I asked glaring at my cousin. 

"Oh look, it's the bitch that went crazy and ran away. You done being a street whore and want a home again?" Dudley sneered. 

"The only crazy one in that house is your fucking father," I sneered back. 

"How fucking dare you! He took you in and loved you!" Dudley screamed. 

"I wasn't aware that raping me meant he loved me!" I screamed back.

"Father told me that you were a fucking liar," Dudley said lowly. 

Suddenly around us became cold and dark. An eerie feeling came over me that made me feel sick washed over me. I watched Harry and Dudley both pale as the breeze blew over my face. I let out a shiver as Harry gave me a concerned, but knowing look. This was the feeling of dementors. 

"Run," I told the boys, and we did. 

We took off sprinting away from the feeling. Dudley was panting hard as we raced away, and as the feeling wouldn't get away, I knew we would have to fight. 

"Harry! What is the spell?" I asked him.

"You didn't bring your wand!" He told me. 

"Snape can do wandless magic. If that greasy-haired fuck can do it, so can I!" I screamed back, seeing the dementors fly toward us.

"It's expecto patronum!" Harry yelled, pulling his wand and trying to stop the dementor.

"Expecto Patronum!" I screamed, but nothing happened. 

I put Dudley behind us, but it did no good. Harry tried to defend us the best he could but was fighting a losing battle. I felt all of my joy being pulled to us. I tried to think happy thoughts, but the dementor made it nearly impossible. Suddenly a new voice came in, and I saw my old neighbor who saved us. Me and Harry grabbed Dudley and ran away after Harry thanked her. We approached the house, dragging Dudley with us. 

I didn't realize what I had done until I was in the house. All I was thinking of was saving Dudley. He may have been an ass, but he didn't know what was happening. I can't truly fault him for not saving me, after all, Vernom is a master manipulator. And Dudley doesn't deserve to die over it.

"Look who finally came back," Vernom said circling me as Petunia fretted over Dudley. 

"I have to go," I replied harshly, standing up.

Vernom grabbed my arm, and I completely froze. Suddenly I was back to twelve years old, and no one was there to save me. He was going to do it again. He was going to rape me again. 

"Let her go!" Harry said, moving between us. 

"She hurt Dudley, she should be punished," he told Harry, and I felt sick. 

"You will never touch her again! I was too naive when we were children to save her, but we are no longer children," Harry replied angrily. 

"You don't know what you are saying," Vernom replied, staring at Petunia. 

"You ra-" Before he could finish a talking letter appeared, and announced that Harry had been expelled. 

"Isn't Ron's dad in the ministry?" I asked Harry as Vernom laughed. 


"Go to him. On three we run. I will go back to Remus, and you can go to Ron," I told Harry. 

"Okay. One. Two. Three!" Me and Harry took off sprinting. Vernom ran to follow us, but his fat ass didn't run for long. Me and Harry ran to a floo network and he went to the Weasleys, and I went to Remus. 

"How was the park?" Remus asked me, but I stayed silent. 

"Hayden, what happened?" Remus asked grabbing my arm. 

I let out a scream and backed up to a wall, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

"Hayden, what happened?" Remus asked me again, but I just sobbed out the same thing.

"Did he touch you again?" Remus asked, sitting a good distance away from me. 

"He wanted to. Harry stopped him," I sobbed out. 

"What can I do to help fix this?" Remus asked me as I continued to sob. 

"I thought I was over it!" I screamed out in an agonizing tone. 

"What he did was unspeakable. It makes sense that it still hurts," Remus told me in a soft tone. 

"I feel like I'm back there," I sobbed, my body shaking viciously. 

"You aren't. You are safe with me," Remus told me, and he slid a chocolate bar to me. 

I slowly ate the chocolate bar and cried as I worked through the PTSD moment. It hurt, it really hurt. 

And it wouldn't even be the most painful thing to happen that year.

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