And it begins

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(AN, time for the fifth year. I hope you are all enjoying it. Question of the day, what do you think the group's patronus will be?)

"Dad, do I have to leave?" I asked, lying on Remus's couch. 

"You know you do. As much as I enjoyed our summer together, Hogwarts needs you," Remus told me. 

"I am tired of saving Hogwarts," I whined. 

"Maybe this year you won't have to," Sirius said from the kitchen. 

"Dad, you have heard the stories, right?" I asked him, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Yes, little James, I have," Sirius laughed at me, sipping some of his tea. 

A knock on the door was heard, and Remus went to the door to answer it. Sirius came up to me and handed me a bag. 

"A little gift for you. Technically for the whole Renegades," Sirius told me. 

I opened it and saw little bracelets that had each of our Animagus on them. I immediately put mine on and smiled at the beauty of it. My little phoenix was dangling as the red and yellow stood out against the black beads of the bracelet. 

"The charms will disconnect if there is danger and find whichever one of you is closest. I did Harry's patronus since he isn't an Animagus," Sirius explained to me. 

"Thank you so much!" I squeal and wrap my arms around him. 

"Have a good year and be safe. I love you," Sirius told me. 

"I love you too," I told him, enjoying our embrace. 

"Hello, Uncle Sirius," Mattheo said, leaning on the doorframe. 

"If it isn't my favorite Riddle," Sirius told him, a smile on his face, "You here to collect Hayden." 

"Oh, I have no say in that. Hayden goes when Hayden chooses," Mattheo explained making me smile. 

"Such a good boyfriend. Goodbye Sirius," I said turning to the man who had become my father over the summer. 

"Goodbye. Be safe both of you. I gave Hayden some condoms, use them," Sirius yelled after us. 

"Goodbye, Remus!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly. 

"Be safe. I love you, kiddo," Remus told me, kissing my head. 

"I love you too," I said before leaving the house with Mattheo.

"Sirius got these for us. The charms disconnect if we are in danger and find someone who can help us," I explained and handed Mattheo a bracelet, the spiny bush viper hanging from his emerald green bracelet.

"It's beautiful," Mattheo told me, "Almost as much as the beauty walking next to me."

I turned bright red and leaned into Mattheo. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we approached the train station. We found the wall and made sure no muggles were watching us before we took off sprinting through the wall. Mattheo handed off my luggage and we went to find the others. 

"I come bearing gifts from my cool dad!" I said and sat on the floor in the middle of everyone. 

"You can have a seat," Aiden offered me, laying his head on Tomo's shoulder.

"I like floor time," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"What gifts did Sirius give us?" Draco asked, curiosity shining in his eyes. 

"Protective bracelets. Let's see here, silver beads and a ferret. Here you go Draco," I laughed and handed him the bracelet.

"Sirius is an asshole," Draco laughed and put the bracelet on. 

"Brown with a green frog. Here you go Tomo," I said and handed him his bracelet which he immediately put on. 

"Bronze with a Portia Spider. Here you go, Blaise," I said handing him the bracelet. 

He was quieter than normal, and I know that the Kyra betrayal was hurting him deeply. 

"Gold with a Vampire bat. That can only be Mr. Theodore Nott," I said dramatically and tossed him his bracelet. 

"I'm still a motherfucking bat," Theo exclaimed with a grin. 

"Light blue with an adorable hedgehog. Can only be the fan favorite, Luna Lovegood," I said and handed her the bracelet which she immediately put on her tiny wrist.

"Last but certainly not least. A dark blue bracelet with a badass-looking werewolf. Aiden Park," I said and put his bracelet on. 

"It sounds like there's more in there," Theo noted. 

"Yeah, one for Harry, and one for" I froze, and Blaise tensed up. 

"The last one is for her isn't it," Blaise spat out. 

"She will never get it," I replied harshly.

"I need a break. I am sorry," Blaise said standing up and storming from the compartment.

I got up and followed him into the hallway. I grabbed him and pulled him into me as he let out a scream into my chest. His scream turned into sobs, and I led him into a private room as he screamed and sobbed. 

"I loved her! I loved her, and she never loved me!" Blaise screamed. 

"Just because she betrayed us, doesn't mean she didn't love you," I told Blaise, holding his hand. 

"Read this then," Blaise said, handing me a letter.

Dear Blaise,

I am sorry that this happened this way. I wanted to tell you privately, but time didn't give me the luxury. I am sorry I played you. But having a relationship in the group made it easier to fool everyone. After all, how could I betray a boy I "loved"? Good luck. Oh and if we meet in war, I hope you can kill me. Because I can kill you. 


Your ex-love, Kyra

P.S. I hope you never forget that I am your first love.

"Holy shit, Blaise. I am so sorry," I said and hugged him again. 

"She never loved me. I was a game to her," he screamed, sounding in complete agony. 

"Then she was a dumbass. Anyone would be lucky to be with you," I told him, holding him tightly. 

We felt the train stop, and Blaise stood up numbly. We walked out together, holding hands as he leaned into me. I know there were whispers, but I was just concerned with making sure that Blaise was okay. 

After all, this was just the beginning of tears for our group this year. 

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