The Boy in the Prison Pt 2

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Carls POV

Heavy rain and hail pummelled down onto the prison, dad carried Judith around so she would sleep and I listened to every whimper and quiet cry Y/N made when lighting struck and roaring thundered raged after it.

She never told me any of her bigger fears, only the small things that scared her. Bugs, the dark, getting lost in the halls of the prison, never things like death or losing people, I knew how she felt about them already. When dad told us that it was likely to rain heavily, given the large thunderclouds darkening the west portion of the sky, Y/N became stiff as she held my hand by the front gate.

Her eyes moved across the sky warily, stopping on the clouds that held an almost midnight blue colour peaking over the trees outside the fence. Her hand tightened around mine, but her attention was quickly pulled away by dad telling us to grab the tarps from the storage room inside to put over the garden, if it hailed he didn't want to lose any food.

Y/n was the first to get the tarps, moving quickly with dad to place them onto poles and posts over the garden, and sett up a barrel at one end to catch any rain water. Once it was done she grabbed my hand and took us inside.

The clouds had only gotten closer and thunder was beginning to rumble in the distance. When we'd made it to the cell block she took us to our room and sat down on my bed, sighing as she leaned against the wall.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She looked at me startled, as if she hadn't realized I was there, and let out a breathy laugh.

"Yeah yeah, I'm ok, just a little stressed about the garden is all." She looked down at her hands. She did that when she was lying.

I didn't want to press her on it so I told her I was going to check on everyone else, and she said she would check on Judith.

The storm rolled in quickly, and by 7pm, the sounds of its fury were loud and clear from within the prison. I couldn't sleep because of the lighting, the flashes bouncing off the walls waking me up even after I'd covered my head with my pillow. When I finally gave up on sleep I took notice to Y/n on her bunk above me, in the darkness and quick flashes I could see the blanket hanging off the side was shaking.

I sat up and lightning struck again, loud, heavy thunder following, Y/n's small cry's suddenly becoming louder. I stood up from my bunk and climbed onto her bunk, leaning over her.

Her eyes were tightly shut and her hands were over her ears, her whole body shivered so violently she didn't notice me climbing onto the bed.

I took her hand off her ear and kissed the back of it, she turned to look at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Come down into my bunk, I'll protect you." I said, pulling her up. She nodded and sniffled, wiping her nose with her shirt.

We climbed down together, slowly as to make sure she didn't feel rushed. Just as her feet hit the ground lighting struck again directly outside the prison, a sound almost like a bomb going off roared through the prison. She wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest, I held her tight, reassuring her that she was safe with me.

Though I wasn't that much bigger then her, I picked her up and sat down onto the bunk, putting my pillow behind my back on the wall and pulling the blankets over us. Her legs in my lap and head buried into the nape of my neck, her shivers slowed slightly, her crying continuing.

Taking the corner that hung off the side, I pulled the blanket down off her bed and draped it over her, pulling it up over our heads and wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Carl I'm scared." She whimpered and looked up at me.

I wiped her tears off her face and moved some hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead softly. She leaned into the kiss and sighed, her shivering slowing even more, becoming only slightly noticeable.

"I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." I continued to kiss her face, distracting her from her fear.

She giggled when I reached her nose, she'd always enjoyed kisses there more then any other place. I pressed my face to hers and closed my eyes, pulling her closer to me.

I hummed quietly, a tune I remembered but didn't know the name of. After a few minutes I opened my eyes and looked at her, she'd fallen asleep, her shivering forgotten and breathing slow. I smiled and closed my eyes, allowing myself to sleep as well.

After that we always slept together, snuggled in each others arms every night no matter what.

A few weeks later dad altered the bunks into a large double bed like Maggie's and Glens for us, which was a pleasant surprise to us both after a long day of working in the garden and clearing the fence.

Tehe, wanted to have another to the first of The Boy in the Prison, since it was such a cute lil idea. More to come soon, hope y'all enjoyed.
Toodles 😘

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