The nobody Pt1

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Just when I thought I'd made it away from groups who only wanted soldiers, people they could use as weapons and shields, I was faced with another pistol pointed towards me.

I'd been on my own for two weeks now, and had done well running from anyone who came near. I'd made a habit of scoping out the rooftops of buildings, using them as a hiding place from anyone who may come after me, but I never thought I'd find someone waiting for me on one of them.

The man held the pistol tightly, a women with as sword and a man with a crossbow behind him. They all looked agitated, like they were hunting something and and found me instead of it. I didn't try to draw my own pistol, I knew how that would end, instead I raised my hands and stepped out of the doorway leading onto the rooftop. I let the morning sun cover me, all my features showing clearly to the trio.

They stood still, just watching me likely a predator facing its prey. The man with the pistol sighed and dropped his arm, holstering his pistol.

"It's just a girl." He said to the woman, who sheathed her sword. The man with the cross didn't move however, he held his ground staring at me with red in his eyes.

For a moment I wondered why he stared at a me with suck intensity, then, I realized he looked a bit to familiar.

"Daryl?" I called to him quietly.

He huffed angrily at me, it was him and he knew it was me.

"Daryl it's me, Y/N, do you remember me?"

"I watched you kill them." He said quietly.

The man turned and looked at him "What did you say?" He asked Daryl.

"I watched you light'em on fire, watch all burst up into flames, then let yourself be dragged off by walkers, how the fuck are you still alive?" He snarled at me.

"Been askin myself the same question for years now." I looked around him, "Where's Merle?"

"Dead, some maniac killed him before your arsonist ass could."

"Daryl you know her?" The man asked.

"Who is she?" The woman asked.

"Y/N. She used to be my neighbour, lived right next to me and Merle for years." He took a step forward.

"What?" The man questioned.

"She came with me and Merle during those first days, helped us find shelter, even helped us hunt, small hands were helpful then."

"So put the bow down, we don't need anymore blood shed today." The man said.

"I can't." Daryl said, his eyes still hadn't left me.

"Why? What could she have possibly done to make you be like this." The man was irritated by Daryl, but didn't notice.

"She found a group in the woods, they were hiding in an old pig barn, eating the leftover meat the butchers put away. We were with them before you guys." Another step, he wasn't going to stop. "She got one the kids to trust her, helped her bring in a bunch of gasoline I'd hidden away."

"Daryl, put the crossbow down, please." I asked him, keeping my hands raised.

"You got the kid and everyone but me and Merle into a shed outside, saying there were walkers inside the barn and that me Merle were takin care of em'. You barricaded the door and lit the shed on FIRE WITH EVERYONE IN IT!" He yelled.

"Daryl that was a long time ago ok, I haven't been able to live with myself for that, but please, I don't want things to end badly between us again." He took another step forward.

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