Carl Headcanons

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, life got real busy all of a sudden so I haven't had a lot of time to work on any stories as of recently.
While I work to get a few more out, here is this, if anyone has any idea they wanna add to it lemme know. 😁

Carl when he has crush on you.

-Stares a lot, but tries to look away when you look at him, but you catch him almost every time.
-Hints to Michonne and Rick about the crush on you without meaning to.
-Will get flustered or try to act cool when your around, may even ignore speaking to you if he embarrasses himself in front of you.
-Would be to shy to confess unless something drastic happen, i.e. one of you almost dying or being split up on an intense run.
-Will happily offer to go on runs with you at any chance, or do anything like caring for Judith or work around Alexandria just to make himself look good to you.
-Will quietly compliment your shooting and fighting skills, but when asked what he said will say something different. (He didn't think you would hear him.)

When your dating/a couple.
-Becomes very protective of you, staying close to you at all times.
-Would often stay over at your house or have you with him at his just so he didn't have to worry about losing you.
-Holds you hand as often as he can, even when you weren't telling people you were together yet.
-Even though he'd feel insecure at first, you would be the first person he would be comfortable enough to not wear his bandages one his eye healed.
-Would only let you cut his hair, no one else was allowed to touch it.
-If you weren't spending the night together, he would give you a long hug and many kisses before either of you left.
-Would become overly talkative with you, blabbering on about his comics if you let him. (I would hehe.)
-Would stop everything he was doing if you got hurt or sick, taking care of you and sometimes forgetting about his own well-being in the process.
-If he found a camera, he would take as many pictures of you as he could, and would keep on in his hat.
-Always had you walk on his left side so he could see you, plus, he wanted to be able to aim properly while holding your hand.

Hoped this makes up for the random hiatus, more stories should be out soon, as well as the part 2 to Competing for Power, which I'm very excited for. 😏

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