Chapter 4

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[Stiles pov]

It was now 9am, four hours had passed although it felt like ten, all ive been doing is staring out the window. Watching the sun slowly start to rise. I looked around at my room and noticed how gross it was. Clothes, empty cans and candy wrappers EVERYWHERE. Did i really eat all those? Disgusting.

I stood up and began picking up clothes, laying them on my bed in seperate piles of dirty and clean. After figuring out what was dirty i picked it all up with a bear hug, carried it downstairs and put it infront of the washer. i walked back upstairs and put away all my clean clothes.

I went back downstairs to grab some rubbish bags, while rummaging through the draws i found a loose picture of my mom. I choked on my spit. It had been so long since i had seen what she looked like, id almost forgotten. I couldnt find any bags so i made my way to the kitchen, still holding the picture close. "What you got there?" Dad asked curiously. I turned the picture around before wiping the tear that had began running down my cheek. "Oh come here", my dad said with his arms held wide, motioning for me to come close. I went in for the hug and held my head against his chest.

"Its my fault", i said quietly between sobs. He grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him, "No. No its not" he said without breaking eye-contact. He pulled me back in and held me until i pulled away. I wiped my tears with my sleeve, "where are the rubbish bags? Im cleaning my room" i asked. "its about time, in that cupboard" he replied pointing towards the cupboard under the sink. "Thanks." i replied walking over and grabbing two bags.

Once i was back upstairs, i seperated the rubbish and put it all into the bags. While sat on the floor, i noticed a box sticking out from under the bed. Confused, i pulled it out from underneath and wiped the dust off. It said 'memories', I began to recognise it. I used to keep a memory box, anything from days that stuck out to me was put in there.

I decided to have a look, it had been so long since i put anything in there, hence the dust. I carefully opened the box, hoping the hinges wouldnt snap off due to the rust. The first thing i saw was a picture of me and Scott, our first day at BHHS. Before i dragged him into the woods and ruined his life. We were so innocent.

I began taking things out one by one reminicing on all the memories, some good, some bad. I  cant believe how many things i had forgotten about. I pulled out my moms hospital bracelet and immediately as if someone flicked a switch in my brain i began sobbing. Not even a hug from dad could make me feel better this time.

I layed curled like a baby on my carpet, clenching the bracelet in my fist which i held up to my mouth. Before i knew it, i was having a panic attack. I couldnt breathe. I needed to calm down. I looked around my room while desperately thinking of a way to feel and thats when i saw it. A blade, the sun reflecting on the silver. It was calling out to me. I stumbled across my room and grabbed it. Before giving it any thought i slashed my wrist. Again and again, until my breathing began to slow down.

I sat there for a few minutes, focusing on my breathing when all of a sudden the pain hit me. I looked down and was utterly shocked. What the fuck have i done?! Oh my god im dead. No one can see this. I stood up and ran to my bathroom. Leaning over the bath letting the blood fall freely. I reached over to the cabinet and grabbed what i needed, leaving no time to fully think about what i had just done.

After fixing myself up, i went back into my room. Cleaning the blade and hiding it, stuffing everything back into my memory box and pushing it back under the bed. I then noticed the blood, all over my carpet. It was like a murder scene. I tried my best to clean it but it wouldnt budge so instead i grabbed some clothes and layed them ontop of it. Never cleaning my room again.

In the meantime, my bed had dried, so i layed down. Before getting the chance to think about what had just happened, I drifted off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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