Chapter 14

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*Aizawa POV*

"This f[]cking kid is so annoying! Ask what his name is? Runs away. Ask for a hint on his name? Gives us a f[]cking statement, then runs away! How the hell are we supposed to find out who he is if he is such a smart []ss!"
"Please calm down, Shota. You will wake up all of the students with your shouting."
Nezu's voice was weary, and he looked exhausted. I sat down opposite him, slightly embarrassed of my sudden rage. We were at UA in Nezu's office, which was situated on the top floor of the building, the dorm rooms spreading out like a map from the bottom. The office was oddly cosy for the little amount of furniture in there and a weird smell from a small box in the corner that I didn't want to know what it was.

"You said of a riddle he gave you?"
I snapped back to attention this question. I opened my mouth to answer, but he hushed me and pulled out a little microphone. He flipped a switch on the side and moved a little know until it wouldn't turn anymore before pressing a button on it.
"Rise and Shine Teachers! I have a game for you so get up and come to my office! Now."
Realising what it was, I chuckled slightly. A month prior, Nezu had set up speakers in the dorms in case of emergency. One speaker was set to announce in all dorms, including teachers and others, for each separate dorm. He had come up with the idea in case of an attack, but he normally used it to annoy the students and staff. For example, when it was Midnight's, Mic's and Snipe's day off, he used the Mic to tell them to come to the hall. They had arrived in casual clothing to a training session that I was teaching. Nezu had then used a mic in the training area to tell the students that they were 'villains' and to capture them.

Ten minutes later, All Might, Midnight, and Mic entered the office, all in pyjamas. Nezu chuckled at this as All Might was wearing his own merchandise, and Midnight had an eye mask tangled in her hair.
"What do you want, Nezu.. I'm trying to get my beauty sleep.."
Midnight yawned and plonked herself down on an anoughter chair next to mine,
"If this is a waste of my time, I'm going back to bed this instant."
"No worries, Midnight! This is important, and I believe that you four can come up with the solution!"
We all stared at Nezu, imploring him to continue speaking. He grinned at the others then turned to me.
"Would you mind explaining all you know about the young Vigalante Tsukiko ErasureHead?"
I nodded to him and shifted slightly, sitting up straight.
"For the past 5 or so years I've been chasing down a Vigalante called Tsukiko. For the majority of that time we have had no information on him what so ever. However we recently found out who he is after an unfortunate accident. Almost six years ago young male Izuku Midoriya went missing, and us being heroes, we were set to look for him. We were unable to find him and the case was closed. Years later we have found out who he is, yet he is claimed to be dead by Tsukiko."
Midnight leaned forwards on her chair,
"What do you mean Tsukiko claimed Izuku Midoriya to be dead?"
"Izuku Midoriya is Tsukiko, however Tsukiko has given up on the name and is using a new one now. From finding out his birth name we have found out more about him in a few months than we have in years. Izuku Midoriya: Age 17, as per last night, Quirkless. His mother was also killed in a recent house fire and his father left when he was a child from what Tsukauchi found out from his mother's friends. The week I have been taking students to meet him, finding out small snippets of information as we did. The first student I took was Bakugo."
"You mean the kid with the anger issues?"
Mic burst out laughing at this, not believing that Bakugo could have got any form of information from Tsukiko because of his temper. I smiled at him then glowered at the others who were whispering to each other.

"Bakugo was a old friend of Tsukiko and we were able to find out about his past before his disappearance. Bakugo told us that Tsukiko was bullied and one day he was nearly killed for not having a quirk. This was the day of his disappearance."
Midnight clapped her hands over her mouth shaking her head slightly.
"For this reason we took him to meet Tsukiko as there would be reason for him to spill information to him as he was a childhood friend. This, however, didn't go to plan as Bakugo was the one who nearly killed him. BUT!"
I raised my voice at the sudden out cry from Mic, Midnight and All Might, Nezu was busying himself with a note book.
"We were able to find out that he had others he was living with and also that he would like to meet All Might to have a discussion."
My face darkened as I said this and All Might recoiled slightly.
"He then fled the meeting place after wards. Last night I took anoughter group of students, Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina, to meet him. He made them give chase to him and also taught them a lesson, whilst they saved two young children. When they returned he gave us permission to ask him questions."
I pulled my capture weapon slightly lower on my neck so they could hear me properly.
"We found out that he works a day job at which all of us had met him before, so that was a first big hint. His second was a riddle."
I sighed slightly before looking at Nezu who had looked up from his note book, resting his rat like head on his paws.
"When I asked for his name all he said was 'When the night is first born it is NEW, is it not?' before telling us to not follow him and jumped off the roof."

The other teachers stared at me, mouths hanging wide open.
'Keep their mouths open much longer and they will attract flies.'
I faced Nezu and he was smiling. Smiling of all things!
"What you so pleased about Nezu?"
Nezu turned to Mic, still smiling widely.
"Well let's go through what we know. Aizawa has met Tsukiko during the day time. Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina have also. This means that it is very likely that they have been together when meeting him."
We all stared back at him blankly. Nezu sighed.
"From what I can tell, Tsukiko means 'Child of the night', likely referring to the fact he woke up during the night he was reported missing. He then was never saw and Izuku Midoriya was announced dead to the world, whilst his new personal wandered around. In his little riddle, Tsukiko stated 'When the night is first born', likely referring to his name Tsukiko as it is talking about the birth of night, or the night as a child, aka his name Tsukiko. Aizawa also said that Tsukiko talked about it being 'new'."

He stopped talking and looked at us, almost pleading us to get it right.
'Why is he talking about something new.. it doesn't make sense..'
Mic jumped up and ran from the room. I could here him banging down the corridor. Midnight followed, though slightly more gracefully. All Might stood and walked to the door.
"Wait a minute All Might. We need you still."
Nezu ushered him over to the desk.
"Tsukiko has put in a request to see you. I believe that it is best to agree to this as it may give us more information."
"Uh- uhm.. *sigh* yes principal."
All Might bowed slightly to Nezu then left the room.

*Izuku POV - Later that night*

I hummed to myself. The same tune I sung to the little boy and girl the night before. It calmed me thinking about how relaxed the children were just hearing the song. I smiled slightly, almost wishing to go back to my childhood, to the time before father left. I thought of it and shook my head slightly.

Father was a business man. He always came back with a small rose for mother after work and would pick me up and sling me over his shoulder, asking how his little Hero's day was. I would always answer great or amazing to him as it always was at that time. When I started school he would drop me off and ruffle up my hair, smiling at me. He always said how much he was going to miss me. My favourite memory of this was when I asked how long I had to go to school for. When he said that I had to go to school for sixteen years. I asked him to tell mother I loved her and I wouldn't let go of his leg. When he asked what was wrong I answered that I wouldn't see him for sixteen years and started to cry. After that day he always said "see you in a few hours son." But it changed when my quirk results came back. He became moody and sullen, refusing to look at me when I came back from school, getting angry if I made a tiny mistake. One night he and mother had a row. All I remember of it was my father shouting that I was a useless brat and storming out of the house. I hadn't seen him for fourteen years since that day. And for some reason I never once thought how much I would like to have a father again, only thinking that a father was there to love you until you did something wrong.

A tapping brought me back to my senses. I stopped humming and went still. I could make out two pairs of footsteps behind me. One I recognised as Aizawa's, the soft clunk of a heel on his shoes then silence for a few seconds. The other set was heavier and rougher.
'Ooo- New person to play with..'
"Hello Aizawa. Who do you have with you today then? I hope we get to play~"
A looked over my shoulder and saw him.

AN: Keeping it short this time. Here's your fact!

Mina Ashido: Before choosing her hero name as "Pinky," Mina Ashido had previously settled on "Ridley Hero: Alien Queen." This is a clear reference to Ridley Scott's now famous 1979 film Alien. Indeed, many aspects of Mina's character seem influenced by the massively successful action flick. Not only does she refer to herself as an alien via her previous hero name, but she's also able to secrete a corrosive acid from her hands. This ability seems to have been directly inspired by the Xenomorph creatures from the Alien franchise which bleed a highly corrosive fluid when hurt.

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